
17 1 0

Ever since the eldest had departed due to the emotional distress signal, Hongjoong dismissed the meeting, and the remaining members parted ways. Yeosang grabbed a quick snack from the kitchen before retreating to his room despite dinner being ready soon. He set the bottle of water and packet of chicken-flavoured crisps on his desk and pulled out his chair. As he sat down, he pulled out his phone to send a text to their groupchat.

yeo-yeo: yo, is anyone down for a way out before dinner?

sanranghae: how about me hyung?

wooingurheart: i'd offer to play but San got to it before me v_v ig i'll go bother mingi 🫠

yeo-yeo: or how about you two rock-paper-scissors it out

yunhoe: we don't have a lot of time before dinner. how about u and i play so u aren't held up with woosan battling it out

wooingurheart: we are not "battling it out" as you put it yun-hyung

chocolatemantiddies: so we're not going to read 2gether yunnie? 🥺 TvT ig u can come bother me then wooyoung

stronghoe: if mingi wants i can keep him company. wooyoung, go hang out with san. yunho-hyung, play with yeosang. i'll come get you two or remind you guys when it's dinner. there that's settled

hongbao: thank you jongho for sorting matters out. can someone try to get ahold of seonghwa please? he's not answering his phone; this is the nth time he's disappeared

stronghoe: on it jagi

hongbao: ty again darling

stronghoe: 👍🏼

wooingurheart: 💀

As Yeosang began to set up the video game on his computer, he startled when he heard the sound of flapping wings in his room. He swivelled in his chair to find the eldest vampire demon king laying a girl on his bed. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it when Seonghwa pulled off the girl's stilettos and set them on the floor next to the bed, doing the same for her bag. Unsure of how to remove her soft black cardigan, Seonghwa snapped his fingers, and the garment reappeared folded on the bed. Yeosang observed the new girl and marvelled at the impressive length of her hair-the richest, fieriest warmth of sunsets. Her hair sprawled all over the expanse of the mattress and the pillows. She wore a thin satin, strappy, dark teal cami and black form-fitting pants. She slept serenely compared to the pain levels he detected in her body.

"Yeosang," the eldest choked out. Was that anger and concern he noticed simultaneously?

"How bad is it?" he figured out why Seonghwa had brought her to him the second he saw the girl's broken arm.

"Apart from the obviously broken forearm, I'm not sure what else is broken. If you wouldn't mind, I need you to heal her while I deal with who hurt her," Seonghwa answered.

"Of course. May I ask the girl's name for when she wakes so that I know what to address her by?" Yeosang requested.

"It's Minyoung. Please take care of her, and be careful. She gets angry when she's scared," the eldest answered before vanishing; the sound of flapping wings signalled his teleportation. The younger male sighed and picked up his phone, hurriedly texting the group chat.

yeo-yeo: hey ik i said i wanted to play a way out with someone but ima have to take a rain check. hwa just tasked me with an assignment. it'll take me a while. sry yunho-hyung

hongbao: you spoke to Seonghwa? why does he have his phone off

yeo-yeo: i didn't ask him that. he just appeared out of nowhere, asked me to do something for him and vanished again. he's busy hongjoong. he's dealing with something work-related, which is, i assume, why he hasn't been answering his phone. i have to go now

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐘 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora