From The Witness

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Waking up the next morning felt like utter Hell for Minyoung despite being in the literal realm. She didn't realise the emotional toll that it would have on her, having previously encountered Jeon Soyeon, one of her high school tormentors. Minyoung rolled over and bundled herself in the cocoon of the blanket on her bed. As soon as her head touched the remaining pillow she hadn't snatched to spoon during the night, getting up became a near Sisyphean task. She didn't realise how much the pivotal event of her past heavily weighed on her. Moving on from events that emotionally and mentally impacted her significantly was difficult for her and often took a long time to get past events.

"I hate to do this," Minyoung grumbled to herself and grabbed her phone off the nightstand, silencing the ringer and turning off the alarm. She typed in her password and sent a message to her boss for a mental health day off. "Fucking weak, stupid, cunt, bitchass mental health."

When she received a response approving her request for the day off, Minyoung switched to Spotify and put on her piano playlist. She lied there, still in darkness, listening to the music. She woke later from nodding off to the peaceful piano playlist. When she checked the time, she groaned when she saw it was late in the afternoon. Minyoung made no move or effort to get out of bed, unable to distinguish if she was feeling lazy or her depression had returned in full force as the result of facing her childhood nemesis. Ironically, she felt guilt for her feelings and emotions rather than remorse for being constantly flighty. Checking her phone did no good for her as she scrolled through her notifications to see that Yunho had repeatedly texted her.

Minyoung tapped the small icon that wiped all previous notifications and manually swiped through the most recent. Not having the energy to deal with her needs and self, she set her phone back on the bedside table and curled even further in on herself. The piano playlist continued to play and lulled her back to sleep again. The next time she awoke was to the sound of banging on her apartment door. Minyoung grumbled and groaned as she stretched on her bed. She wondered what the banging could be about and who was at the door. Surely, it wasn't to do with the music coming from her phone since she'd warded and spelled her apartment soundproof. Whoever had come to bother her about whatever better have a good reason.

Opening the door to her flat was a surprise to Minyoung. "What are you doing here?" she finally addressed the man she'd slammed the door in their face the previous evening.

"Have you checked your phone at all, maybe even read any of the messages I sent?" Yunho sighed, relieved to see the redhead alive. "I see your attitude hasn't changed much, so that's good as well as you still being alive."

"Like you genuinely care," she spat back, disregarding his concern. "You're just here because I went AWOL at the end of dealing with something I'm not even going to answer or give up if you choose to force yourself in my mind again."

"Minyoung," Yunho started, and she was taken aback by him using her current name.

"I'm really not having any of it today, nor am I in a good mood. This is the worst possible timing you could have shown up. My mental health is scattered in my void today. I would rather be left alone. Please, just leave," she vented.

"Illaea—" he tried again only for Minyoung to cut him off.

"Don't 'illaea' me; fuck off," she snapped and slammed the door in Yunho's face. Much to her surprise, he'd anticipated the possible reaction of her shutting him out when visiting the redhead again. Minyoung felt chills down her spine when the taller vampire-daemon instantly reacted, putting himself in harm's way when he angled himself between the frame and the door. He reached out with his hand and jammed his foot in the gap to stop the closing of the door. "What part of leave me alone do you not understand?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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