Straight to the Moon

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Minyoung bent her legs slightly upon landing before a large popular bar called Limelight. A lemon-light wedge topped a glass-shaped neon sign on the front of the establishment.

"It's good you've become accustomed to apparating. Everyone has their own way of dealing with arriving," Chan commented by her side. "I'll tell you about my first time. I tripped and landed face first in a bush. Jeongin never lets me live that down. It's better if I tell you first before he teases me in front of you and everyone else."

"I felt like throwing up my first time," she commiserated.

"That's also widely common," he inclined his head towards the entrance. "Shall we?"

Not forgetting Felix's words from earlier, Minyoung sought out the shapeshifter to see an empty seat between him and Hyunjin at a large table at one end of the bar.

"Sieun!" the lilac-blonde noticed the younger woman's arrival. "Come sit."

"I'm not a dog; though, I suppose you can shift into one," she darkly muttered as she seated herself between the shapeshifter and the siren.

"Let's not," Chan sighed as he followed after her, "but he does make a cute Labrador."

"Aw, don't ruin the fun, Channie," Seungmin pouted next to Jisung, who had shrunk to his fairy size and was trying to convince his fellow fairy to transform as well. "Han's decided to shrink to his true form." The size difference between the two fairies was amusing.

"Don't be causing trouble, any of you," Chan sighed. Minho walked up to the table with drinks. "Lord have mercy on me."

"Which lord?" Changbin smirked as he verbally prodded the lapis lazuli blue-haired warlock.

"Changbin, I have a boyfriend," Chan pointedly stared at Minho.

"If you were required to choose, which lord?" Minyoung saw a glimpse of what the golden-blue-scaled siren would be like drunk.

"Again, I'm not answering that," Chan helped his partner with the tray of drinks.

"You should have the vodka soda," Felix murmured to the younger woman and spun the tray to the said alcoholic beverage, lifting it off and setting it in front of her. "We ordered while you took longer with Chan-hyung."

"You're definitely a lot faster here than ordering dinner earlier," she commented.

"Minho takes charge of drinking activities," the shapeshifter informed the Phoenix. "He also knows our limits. I recommended he order it safe for you since you're new to us and to Hell. That's another thing about the supernatural. We can tolerate more alcohol content; it also depends on how much one normally drinks. Even human-appearing beings like witches are the same. Magic is everywhere and flows in everyone, you included. Your vodka soda is like water to us. I don't know if you're accustomed to mortal levels, or if you can tolerate more."

"I don't think now's the time to find out. It's better to drink safe the first time out with new people," Minyoung mused.

"Wisely said," Chan picked up on their conversation. "Hyunjin and Felix, keep checking in on Sieun."

"Of course, you assign lover boy to check in on his darling. Four drinks, and he's gone," Seungmin snorted.

"Kim Seungmin, keep your mouth to yourself." No one expected to hear such a sharp tone from the leader. "A word with you outside, alone. No one follow or eavesdrop. If I feel any magic on our conversation, you're in for it."

"Damn, what corrupted his staff," Jisung grumbled.

"That's what he said," Minho giggled to himself, earning the disgust of the rest.

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