Scars to Your Beautiful

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Seonghwa kept true to his word and reappeared in Minyoung's apartment around the same time the two had returned to her place the following evening. He found the girl already in the bathroom unwinding the wraps that kept the numerous bandaids in place with the required medical supplies scattered all over the tiny sink countertop.

"Jesus Christ, Seonghwa!" Minyoung jumped in surprise when she saw the handsomely dressed vampire demon leaning against the bathroom doorframe. "Maybe knock next time, or announce your presence? What on Earth did I warn you about appearing out of nowhere?"

"You didn't say anything other than not to appear out of nowhere and murder you," he recalled, to which the girl guffawed at his answer. "I see you already started. Am I not needed?"

"Ah, sorry about the lack of communication. I thought I'd go ahead and change the bandages myself. I'd call for you if I needed help," she explained. "How are you still alive? I thought Hongjoong would have ripped you a new one since you said he would call you to his room."

"I told him most of the truth, but I may or may not have tweaked the explanation in my favour," Seonghwa cheekily answered and kept his eyes trained elsewhere to distract himself from the blood. He noticed Minyoung's pyjamas and gulped at the form-fitting set. A low-cut, strappy, dark teal crop top clung to her slim yet curvaceous tanned figure, revealing the tops of her voluptuous, soft breasts. High-waisted shorts of the same colour showed her long legs despite her petite height. Her copper-red hair hung long and loose down her back, lightly brushing her knees. The sight imbued itself in his brain, and he felt his cock harden slightly against the confines of his pants.

"Seonghwa, will you please help with the rest?" Minyoung's soft-spoken, angelic and unusually low sultry voice captivated his attention, further fueling his arousal. Seonghwa glanced at her hands to see that she'd moved on to applying the antiseptic to her non-dominant hand.

"Of course," he nodded and reached for the bandaids, pulling out the required amount for one hand. To speed up the process and not feel useless, Minyoung peeled some of the plasters open. She made a surprised noise when Seonghwa gripped her wrist and took the bandage from her. "Relax, beautiful, and keep your hand flat for me."

The two settled into a comfortable silence as the vampire demon bandaged and wrapped the girl's hands. When Seonghwa finished, he took one of Minyoung's hands in his, raised it to his lips, and pressed a light kiss to her knuckles. Then he vanished with a wink, leaving her with the message that he'd be back the following evening to repeat the process. For the next few days, the pink-haired supernatural being changed Minyoung's bandages until he saw that the cuts on her hands scabbed over and didn't bother her. On the last evening, once he finished, he departed with the following words: "Say my name, and I'll be there."

Minyoung had no reason to see Seonghwa again, for he'd answered her questions during the time they spent together while the latter took care of her. Yet, the universe had other plans. At least twenty-four hours later, Minyoung drove home. It was late due to her working overtime, and the streets were less busy with only a few cars here and there. When the light turned green at an intersection, she shifted her foot and continued across. Initially, she didn't see any signs or warnings, but then she heard it too late. A car came barrelling down the street at at least 90 MPH on her right chased by flashing lights and wailing sirens.

Minyoung cursed her reaction time and processing speed of her brain as she scrabbled at the steering wheel, forcing it to turn left as fast she and the car could as well as stamping her foot on the brakes. Unfortunately, her effort to save herself was in vain as the reckless driver crashed into her vehicle at an astonishing speed that left her aghast and injured as the right side of her car dented and the windows shattered. Despite her seat belt buckled and restrained across her abdomen, she lurched forward violently, her head slamming against the steering wheel, the airbag billowing comically too late. Her hands slipped off the steering wheel as her body vaulted to the left, and she felt her left ribs harshly collide against the car door panel. Her left arm tried to soften the impact only for a sickening sound and alarming pain to flare up.

Pain, fear, and despair flooded Minyoung's senses. Everything suddenly overwhelmed her, and she felt as if she was drowning as she tried for air to process what had happened. Her head mercilessly throbbed when she lifted it to find the offending driver in their car stopped. The police had caught up, and so it seemed, the crash and herself were the stoppage of the chase. A choked whimper escaped her, and she shut her eyes tightly. Tears leaked from her eyes and streaked down her face. Pain replaced her fear, overwhelming everything else. She clutched at her arm and sobbed. Words echoed somewhere in her mind, reminding her of someone who brought her comfort and care during the unlikeliest of times. Say my name, and I'll be there.

"Seonghwa, please," Minyoung weakly found herself whispering under her breath with what little strength she had that remained before she succumbed to the pain, blacking out.

"I still don't get why it's necessary for all of us to be here at the same place when we have our government houses to operate in. I get that Hongjoong wants company, but his desire and jealousy shouldn't get in the way of his and our responsibilities," Yunho yawned as court proceedings ended for the evening, wrapping up with a meeting between the rulers of Hell.

Pain. Fear. Desperation. All three emotions suddenly flooded the throne room of the castle in the capitol of Hell, confusing the present leaders from their argument. Hongjoong groaned when he recognised that it was a similar repeat of what happened the previous few days. Seonghwa, the wrathful king's name whispered in his mind. The pink-haired vampire demon king stiffened against his throne. Please. Recognising who called out his name, he vanished in a cloud of smoke. The sound of his wings could be heard, signalling his demonic teleportation. Hongjoong groaned again and pinched the bridge of his nose. He'd have to remind the eldest of the rules when he returned from whoever called him to business.

Seonghwa immediately worried when he heard the call. Minyoung's barely audible voice sounded so frail and full of emotion. Overwhelmed, he identified and rolled the myriad of emotions she felt into one concise observation. Luckily, her call brought him to the direct site of where she was. He found himself cramped in a black Ford Fiesta. He nearly panicked upon seeing his tiny friend passed out against the driver's door. He glanced at the situation they were in to find a handful of police officers surrounding another car. That's when he noticed the splintered, shattered glass belonging to Minyoung's car. Seonghwa's eyes widened at the revelation.

He reached for the belt strapping the girl to her seat and unbuckled it, easing it off her torso. He then picked up her purse from the floor and dropped it onto her lap. When Seonghwa moved to pick her up, he heard her moan in pain despite her respite. That's when he saw her broken left forearm. He winced at the sight and decided to bring her back to Hell instead of her apartment since Yeosang's magic was the best out of all them for healing broken bones.

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐘 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄Where stories live. Discover now