Clint x injured!reader

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You are clint's wife, and you had recently become an avenger. You had learned about hydra and everyone's backstory. But hydra is making a sudden appearance, and your apart of it...

Your POV

I yelped as the hydra goon struck me with a punch to the gut, "Speak or you die!" The German male yelled, glaring into my eyes. I spat in his face, struggling against the ropes I was tied up with, "Never..." I groaned, pain shooting through me as I spoke. The hydra man smirked, circling me, "you are all da same..." He said, his German accent strong in his voice. "You all resist, and you all die..." He continued. I wormed in the ropes again, only earning a slap, "stop moving woman, vhy don' you people cooperate?" The man grinned, sickening me, for the one dim light in the dark room only outlined the man from his nose to his thighs. I growled, "we don't 'cooperate' to men like you, because we're not cowardice rats, unlike yourself..." He frowned darkly, "you are nothing but a petty-" He spoke while punching repeatedly, "foul creature, who is nothing but a speck of dust in hydras eyes!" He kept hitting me until the chair broke, leaving me crying on the stone floor, "HYDRA WILL RULE THE WORLD!" He boomed. I wasn't hurt by his words, yet by his physical hits. He had punched me so many times in the stomach and chest area, I felt like I was being stabbed and torn open. I cried more as he kicked me in the stomach.

He left the room, leaving me to die in the darkness. I wept some more, trying to subside the pain. I wish Clint was- an explosion interrupted my thoughts. I tried to stay awake, but the world was spinning now. I saw a figure burst into the room and run towards me, I finally gave out as they untied the bindings, and carried me bridal style. Then black filled my mind.

-time skip to Tony's tower-

I woke suddenly, breathing heavily. I looked around, noting that I was in Stark's tower, in what seemed to be a medical room. I stopped, and looked at Clint. His eyes red and puffy, looking as if he had been crying for hours. Clint rarely EVER cries, "C-Clint?" I whispered, tears starting to prick the corners of my eyes. He shot up and hugged me, his face in the crook of my neck. We both sobbed. I stroked his hair, smelling his scent again. He looked up and kissed me passionately, his lips moving against mine, almost in perfect sync.

He ran his fingers through my hair, "y/n, I love you so much... I'm so sorry-" I put a finger to his lips, "Clint, don't apologize. I love you too. It wasn't your fault," I said, smiling gently. He smiled back, tears falling down his cheeks, "I'm never going to let that happen to you again..." He promised, taking my hand in his, stroking the back of it with his thumb.

"And it never will..."

-time skip after three months-

"Honey!" I called, flipping the pancakes. Clint dashed into the room, "are they done yet?!" He giggled, almost like a child. I chuckled, "I have such a childish husband..." I said to myself, rubbing my swollen abdomen. Clint smiled, walking up behind me and circling his arms around my waist, "a childish dad too..." He said softly, placing his hand over mine. I turned the stove heater off, putting the pancakes on a plate. Clint saw this as an opportunity, and snatched the plate and ran like hell out of the kitchen. "CLINT!" I yelled, scolding myself for not expecting this. "I'm pregnant and hungry! That's not a good mix!" I screamed, hearing quick footsteps making their way back to the kitchen. Clint appeared with a sad puppy expression, "sorry..." He mumbled, helping me sit down at the little table. I smirked at him, patting his head, "good Clint..." I said, giggling.

Clint:"I love you y/n"
You:"I love you more Clint"
Clint:"No I do!"
You:"Clint... Do we have to start this again?"
Clint:"Yes! And we're not going to stop until you realize that IM the one who loves you the most in this marriage!"
You:"Oh my god Clint!"
Clint:"Shhh! I'm giving you a lecture!"
You:"I'm going to die..."

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