Avengers/Reader (Part 1)

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   The wind raked across my body, heavy and unforgiving. I heaved in breaths of air, gulping down as much as I could. My first mission and I was the one that got kicked in the ass.
   My tight-fitted suit clings to my aching sides almost uncomfortably. I thought I was ready for this. Steve told me I was ready.

"Y/n?! Where are you?"

   Muffled voices invaded my ear drums. I must've looked like a fish out of water, my mouth gaping open and shut like I yearn to go back to the sea, and my eyes half-lidded and slow blinking. I felt vulnerable. How could I have been so foolish?

"Y/n? Y/n!"

   I felt movement. A lot of it. I tried looking towards it but my vision was blurred. Damn. If I die here, I guess I'll grab a drink in hell, they might have some nice tequila's.

"Listen, okay? We're gonna get you out of here."

Two days later...

   My head is pounding, this is worse than the hangover I got from drinking the entirety of Tony's wine cellar. That was so worth it though.
   A nurse walked into the room, which I guessed was a hospital room cause there were medical items scattered about. Unless this is a horror movie. Then I'm fucked.
   "Miss L/n, I need to give you a dose of your prescribed medicine, it will ease the pain you are experiencing now." She spoke so monotone and proper, nothing I'm used to. I cringed slightly at her voice, but smiled kindly at her, "Thank you-um-who and why was I submitted?" I asked, wanting to know how bad everything was. She smiled back, her grin was lopsided but kind looking, "Mr.Stark submitted you, and we found out that you had a concussion, and some broken ribs. It will take some time to get your strength back but you will be fine."

   She stuck the needle in my left arm, injecting some kind of medicine. I cringed at the small pinch, almost feeling the fluid rush through my veins. I glanced at her and gave her a fake smile, trying to mask the pain for someone I didn't know. "And one more thing Miss L/n, please don't try to walk or lift anything on your own. The button on the left side of your bed will call a nurse to you," she waltzed out of the room, letting the door close on itself. I threw my head back further into the slightly uncomfortable pillow, drawing a deep sigh from my throat.
Why am I stuck here when I can easily recover back at the HQ.

Mr. Hall steps through the ajar door, focusing on his clipboard and almost appearing drone-like. "Ah, Miss L/n, a pleasant recovery, I might assume?" He says rather loudly, talking like a rich nobleman. I sigh lightly, "More-or-less. But I couldn't have done it without the nurses," I try and compliment them half heartedly. I really would've rather spent my days and hours at Stark Tower. "Well, Mr. Stark has sent an escort to pick you up, come with me so we can discharge you."
   I walk carefully down the many stairs, preferring them over the elevator. I see the black car outside, parked by the curb. I sigh quietly and try walking faster, wanting to get back to HQ as fast as I can. The escort got out of the drivers seat, strolling over to the right side of the car to open the door for me. I nod at him and mutter a quick 'thank you' and climbing into the car. I sit and buckle myself in, waiting patiently for the man to get back into the drivers seat.
   The drive was long, the silence was thick. The traffic was particularly terrible at the moment. My mind was seeping with negative thoughts. How did I fail that mission? I shake my head. I shouldn't be dwelling on this. I can think about this later.

Thirty Minutes Later...

   My phone rings in my pocket as I step out of the car, looking up at the Avengers Tower; the glass was looking quite beautiful under the overcast. I dig in my left pocket and take out my phone, the name on the screen was someone I'd rather not talk to right now. I grumble and answer the call, holding the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I answer softly. "Y/n? Did you arrive yet?" Tony's voice almost rings in my ears as he asks. I exhale heavily, "Yeah I'm outside right now, just let me get to-what was it? Floor 23?"
"You mean floor 27,"
"Uh-yeah whatever. Be there soon"
"Okay see ya-"
I hang up the call, cutting off the ego-driven millionaire. I mumble to myself, stepping inside the extraordinary building. I head to the elevators, passing the woman stationed at the front desk. She smiles at me and tries to ask me to sign in on the sign-in sheet, but I just briskly walk past her and press the button to one of the many elevators.
   It arrives shortly, and opens almost like curtains for a show. I waltz in, skimming over the many floor numbers. I find floor 27 and press it's button, queuing the elevator to close its doors. I hum and lean against the wall, closing my eyes briefly; listening to the bland elevator music. I hear a 'ding' and open my eyes. The metal doors slide open, and I step out into the floor. The familiar smell catching my nose; a content smile graces my lips. I inhale and exhale deeply, making my way towards the living room sofa. I plop myself down on the soft cushions and splay myself out.
"Nice to see you doing well, agent."
   I crane my neck to look behind me and see Natasha leaning against the kitchen counter. I smirk, "Hey Nat-yeah I'm doing alright. Thanks for saving me once again," I reply, turning my gaze forward and propping my feet up on the coffee table. I hear her quiet chuckle, and careful footsteps, "You really took a beating back there. You need to-"
"I know, I know."
   She sighs, walking around the couch to sit beside me. She looks me in the eyes, "We were all worried sick about you, but we weren't disappointed-no matter what you may think." It's my turn to sigh heavily and avert my sad gaze elsewhere, "I wanted to make you all proud. Me being half-Asgardian and all," I say, my emotions showing through my voice. Natasha puts a firm hand on my shoulder, "You just need to find yourself."
   Those words seem to want to stick to me as she gets up from the couch and walks out of the area. I dart my eyes around the room. This is going to be a tiring day.

To be continued.

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