Snack Time is All The Time (Avengers x reader)

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A/n: got the idea from the picture above! Enjoy!!! <3

Y/n- your name
Y/l/n- your last name
Y/n/n- your nickname

Your POV

   It always bugged me. Steve's shield. So shiny. So-well-round. So useful for more things than just kicking ass. That's when it came to me...


   I needed to take action quickly, everyone was out and about till around 3 they had said, and it's currently-



~Time Skip because author is a lazy piece of shit~

   3rd POV

   Everyone was standing around in the elevator to the living room of Stark Tower (well at least the MAIN living room). Steve darted his eyes nervously, "Hey has anyone thought it weird of Y/N to not have like-call or texted us at all? It's not really like them to just... Be quiet." Steve mentions, making all the glorious avengers to start wondering why-in fact-the equally glorious Y/N wasn't blowing up their phones like they usually do.

"If they died I call dibs on their motorcycle."


~Back to you my lovely!~

   You sat, slumped over on the couch with Steve's shield nestled into your lap. Chips and other junk food piled into it, all messily scrambled about. You looked at the digital clock on the table beside the (excessively huge) couch. Peanuts. It's 3:08. You face palmed loudly, but then decided that you'd not give a fuck to get up and clean up your mess. Nope. BECAUSE THE WONDROUS Y/N DOES NOT FOLLOW BASIC MANNERS. Plus if everyone got pissy, it'd be a wild ride of amusement on your part.

   The elevator dinged, right on time. Everyone walked out and stopped, seeing you sprawled out on the couch, Steve's shield barely noticeable because of the mountain of food you had created. But Steve noticed. Oh. Yes. He. Did. His face was a red mess, most likely trying to contain his anger. You chuckle, waving smugly at the-seemingly-shocked and dazzled avengers. Then Tony butts into laughter, "Why didn't I think of that?! Nice job Y/L/N!" He strolls over messing up your hair with his hand, "this is why I love you, sweet checks!" He comments, then makes his way to the lab. Natasha smirks at you, shaking her head and trying to not die laughing. Clint gives you a thumbs up and chuckles, snatching a chip from the pile of madness, "That explains your unusual silence, Y/N/N." He chuckles again before leaving. Bruce just silently laughs, patting your head and following Tony's steps towards the lab. Wanda smirks at you, kissing your temple and giggling at your shit-eating grin. Vision shakes his head, "I do not understand your intentions, but I do admit, it is quite amusing how you have created an absolute mess around yourself." He says, smiling slightly, then hovering away (to go do Vision shit idk he's Vision). Steve, still looking mad as hell, walks up to you slowly. You flash him a grin, then proceed to select a chip off of the pile, and wave it around in his face, "Come on Stevie. Don't tell me this isn't an awesome idea~" once you mention his nickname, he starts blushing, then starts grumbling, taking your shield master piece from you, junk food disaster and all, and then continuing to his room.

   You smile, "He's totally gonna start eating out of his shield now."

"Mission accomplished!"

"Shut up, Y/N!" Tony yells.

A/n: Welp! I know that was short and shitty I apologize! I haven't written in a while, but I just needed to start updating again (which I feel really bad about not being consistent btw). I hope this satisfies you guys for at least a while before I get more requests!!

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