Hulk/Reader!Drabble (Request)

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Requested by DarkStarAutoconPrime
•Sorry this is so short but I felt the scene would be perfect! A little insight before you read, I wanted to make this story basically making you the Natasha to hulk. Since in Age of Ultron, she's the one to calm him down. I'm replacing that scene with you, but not replacing Natasha entirely•

 I'm replacing that scene with you, but not replacing Natasha entirely•

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   "We're locked down out here," Natasha coms. I give a quick glance around my area, "We're clear here too," I respond, releasing my index finger from my com button. "Then get to Banner, Y/n. Time for a lullaby," I hear Steve say over the coms. "Good luck, Y/n," Natasha adds, and I let a small smile reach my lips. I look over my shoulder to where Hulk is, and he's chucking pieces of debris around. I take a deep breath in and slowly make my way to him. I was assigned project 'lullaby', for what reason; I don't know. Me and Bruce have always been close but I never expected to face the other guy. Hulk scared me, yes. But Bruce? I felt more towards him. I had to stay professional though.

   Hulk grunts and growls, not noticing me yet.
"Hey, big guy," I break my silence and successfully getting his attention. He abruptly turns towards me, grunting and huffing. My breath hitches but I force my face to appear calm, "Suns getting real low," I say, crouching carefully and slowly holding up my left hand. He growls at me and looks frustrated, his muscles rippling and intimidating me. I dryly swallow. He shakes his head and comes up to me, reaching his hand out to my own. I turn my hand downward and he lays his hand on my palm.

   I trace his middle finger with my own smaller digits, bringing my hand out from under his gigantic one. My hand gently makes contact with his wrist; I drag my fingers delicately down. Further and further I go, maintaining eye contact with Hulk. My small digits find his palm, intricately still dragging up; then I swiftly drag up his middle finger and release him from my touch. I hear Hulk grunt. His expression holds confusion and a small bit of frustration. He stumbles back; his limbs seemingly wanting to give out on him as he fumbles away. His large hands clutch a tree; his once giant hands becoming Bruce's smaller ones.

   I smile to myself and look down at the snow-covered floor. It worked.

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