Thor/Sister!Reader Oneshot

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      *Before you read any further, this story takes place during Infinity War! Please turn back if you haven't yet watched it*

Go to Wakanda they said. It'll be fun they said.

My arms were growing sore as I waved them about, my cryokinesis fairly effective against these... things. The Black Order was becoming quite the annoying pest, as I had originally thought them to be fun fighting against. But no. Of course, my first visit to Wakanda had to be a disaster. Of bloody course. I was stuck in a battle with mortals, fighting ravenous things of hell, mourning my corpse of a brother Loki, and waiting for my other waste of space sibling, Thor, to get his sorry ass here and help.

   Being Asgardian I had no trouble fighting alongside the Avengers, but keeping track of the original six and the new additions has become a chore and I might make everyone wear name tags.  The mortal that goes by 'Bucky' is probably my favorite. Quiet and cunning. Don't get me wrong, I love everyone but they get annoying.

    The team was scattered. I was by no means a leader, so the Avengers on Wakanda mostly relied on the Earthing Steve Rogers. Mr. Rogers bosses me around, which I'll have to get used to.  He was their leader beforehand but I still love to make sure everything is in order before we go head first into a planet-scale war. It's been lovely by the way. Thanos has the ego of Tony Stark, except surprisingly, it's bigger. Two ego-driven assholes trying to get their way basically.

   "Natasha-catch," I say as I freeze another creature that was ready to pounce on Nat and dump the frozen popsicle beside her. She gives me a quick side glance and smiles at me, "Thanks Frostbite," Natasha slashes at one of the abominations and I go back to making more demon popsicles. I form an ice shard in my hand and direct it towards a rather hideous looking thing charging at me. The shard sinks through its skull and I am pleased when it slumps to the ground. Okoye stabs a varmint in its chest, yelling towards me, "Y/n watch out!" I set my gaze forward to see a gigantic metal blade hauling ass towards us three. I groan and thrust both hands out into the air, my eyes glowing a light blue as I freeze the thing and make it come to a complete stop.

All of a sudden I hear the crackle of lightning and I turn towards the spawn of the noise; Thor comes crashing down, slamming into the ground and eliminating enemies around him in a wide radius. I smirk slightly, "Hey Nat, Okoye-you got this area covered?" I say to them, watching them both nod at me. I laugh and jump into the air, going towards my brother. I land with a hard 'thump' and smack Thor on the back, "What took you so long?" I ask him half-heartedly, knowing he was probably dealing with a lot up in space. He chuckles and gives me a quick side-grin before throwing his axe into another creature's skull, "You know-the usual. Reviving a star," his voice is laced with so much sarcasm I could puke. I try to suppress the belly-aching laugh that erupts from me but it's so hard when my doofus-of-a-brother tries and combats me with sarcasm; my specialty.

"Where's Loki?" I ask suddenly, the ice shard I threw piercing a mongrel. Thor doesn't answer me, causing me to turn slightly and crane my neck over to look at him. Time seems to slow as I meet his eyes. They're... full of mourning. My breathe hitches and I clench my teeth. "No... brother please-this isn't funny-" he catches me; I didn't realize I was falling. He searches my eyes for a moment before his eyes glow and lightning cracks down upon the surrounding creatures, killing them all and sending shockwaves of vibrations through me and him. I let out a sob as tears prickle the corners of my eyes, "Please," I stammer, my lower lip trembling slightly. He gives me a sad smile; a heart-wrenching grin that breaks my heart. My throat burns as I hold back my sadness. I can feel the tips of my fingers crawl with an icy-feeling. Our surroundings become colder and colder by the second as my soul fills with fury, and heartbreak. I push Thor off of me and he takes it as his signal to step back, knowing what I'm going to do.

I cry out, letting it all go and sending Wakanda into overcast. My eyes glow and I fall on my knees; my fingers clutch the grass beneath me as the cold grows stronger. The Black Order freezes. Their creatures frozen; the tears I once held back fall from my eyes like icicles. Thor comes to my side, slumping to the ground and holding me tight as sobs wrack my body.
I tense up as I realize what has come.

Thanos has arrived.

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