Update: New part coming out today :)

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So I've made waaaaaay too many "updates" which are basically me just making up excuses for myself aHAH *dab* (pls don't crucify me).


I got a request from the lovely, the infamous, the wONDERFUL AND ALSO ADORABLY NICE KicktheSpookyboy  and their request will be done some time today! So thank them yknow cause like I'm unproductive aHAHAHAHAHAHA-

But yeah I've missed writing for y'all ;-; so I promise on Loki's fine ass that I will at LEAST get like two parts in per week. I suck at writing but IDK I FEEL BAD. I personally get peeved when writers do what I do so imma stahp being a hypocrite ♥️

Luv you thirsty hoes!~
-Hayley (your god)

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