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Kali ini gue bikin dalam bahasa inggris lagi ya, gue lagi pengen ngetik dalam bahasa inggris aja, okay? Enjoy guys!

Martis was sitting peacefully while cleaning his precious twin sword, then he get distured by a lot voice come from his sister.

Kath : *Scream* I'm home! Big Bro!

Martis : Arck! Ya! Lower down yourvoice idiot!

Kath : Hahahah sorry.

Martis : Aish, don't scream like that, okay? I almost get a heart attack.

Martis : Well looks like you come home quite early today. Did Gatotkaca get a sudden mission again?

Kath : Yeah, Gatotkaca has to take a sudden Mission. He say that he might come home pretty late or very late.

Martis : I see then.

Kath : *Sigh* I still want that training actually.

Martis : Maybe i can help you with that?

Kath : Really? Aren't tired for all the house work? Beside you actually didn't get rest much. Like yesterday, you only slept for not even close to 10 minutes.

Kath : I'm kinda worry for you condition Brother.

Martis : Hey, chill out. Beside, i'm use to it, right? I always get a lack of sleep.

Kath : But i think it might get way too far.

Kath : And also. I might sneeking to you office last night and. I can say. Man, you're gonna need a lot break at this point.

Kath : And even i though your eyes are red, that don't mean those Panda eyes are invisible.

Martis : Jeez, why you always caught me like this.

Kath : Hahahaha, you getting busier. You need to relax.

Martis : How?

Kath thiking about it for a sec and have an idea about writing some music down. Martis actually a really good song writer, he does that everytime if he get bored. Martis might actually forgot that he has that kinda hobby for a while. Cause he was so stress out with meeting, work, mission and anything else.

Martis : I might give it a shot, but i think it can wait.

Martis : We need to make lunch first, you can't make a song if you hungry.

Kath : Because you mention that, i'm kinda hungry actually.

Martis : *Chuckled* Alright, what you wanna eat today?

Kath : Hmm? Katsu i think?

Martis : Do you want something with broth?

Kath : Odeng?

Martis : Sure, how much? 5 or 8?

Martis : Cause i know even 3 isn't enough for you. The last time, you ate 15 odeng in a day.

Kath : Hahahahaha, 5. I want 5 this time.

Martis : Alright. Mind helping me with cooking?

Kath : Not a problem at all.

After lunch, Kath got a shower and then rewatch some Aikatsu episode that she miss a lot. While Martis is going to somewhere to take some inspiration for the song. He kinda miss get back to music life, cause his taking a break for a while after unplesent accident. That make hime broke his arm and shoulder while going back from the Agency.

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