chapter 6

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We see Yūrei being shooted in the air by himself. Wondering what got himself to be here, "OH, right saving Ruikia she owes me for doing this." He landed on the ground face first Yūrei picked him self from the ground only to be met with a, group of ninjas surrounding him. He did some stretches hearing some pop sounds coming from his shoulders he relaxes his body and got into a mix martial arts stance. "Look if you guys telling where they are helding a friend of mines I won't fight you and just slip on past but if you don't then I have to fight you? The easy way or the hard way the choice is your's." The first guy ran up to Yūrei and tried to hit only have his arm broken by Yūrei he let out a painful scream the rest of the ninjas rushed Yūrei making him go the defensive side he tried to get some off of him but was tackled and piled up by the ninjas.

Something was muffled under the dog phile of ninjas "GET OFF OF ME!!!" Yelled Yūrei the guys that were on Yūrei was pushed into the air everyone that was surrounding him was on guard, Yūrei threw down a smoke bomb using it as a distraction to get a way from them. The ninjas ran into the cloud of smoke to realize he got away.

"Dammit, I was foolish to attack them head on. Man where am I, hope everyone is alright." When he got up he felt a jolt of pain on the right  side of his body, he rubbed the left side mof his body and brung it up to see blood "Dammit,

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