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Susa which is a city of the great persian empire had a population of four million three hundred and eighty five thousand two hundred people. The city was known for its hospitality and religious dedication to Islam. Children running up and down, Muslims praying in their mosques and foreigners exploring the land. Justice was fairly administered to people and peace took over the city.

The land was not really a place for frequent rainfall. Yet their well being and the goodness of their economic transactions was based on the minerals resources they have and the vast agriculture in the country. The nation never lacked anything yet the only problem they faced was other religious bodies trying to influence them. That was not usually frequent but they took it wholeheartedly due to their dedication.

Susa was the headquarters of the persian empire. Thus, peace was administrated on the land. The king Abdul Ghaffer had a son named Ali Ghaffer, but they simply call him Ali. Ali usually liked to explore the town rather than being in the palace. He wanted to feel and experience life outside the palace and how it feels to live as an average citizen.

Actually Ali was not allowed to move outside the palace frequently unless there was a peculiar festival or something which involved the administration of the kingdom. He mostly went out whenever he was in his room with no one knowing he goes out. The window was his way out to explore and funny enough he made two friends in the town. Not people of influence but middle class citizens.

Achraf and Ayan where the friends of Ali. They usually called themselves the A's since their names began the an A. They shared lots of experiences and Ali got to try his hands on games he has never tried in his lifetime. His friends were surprised at his age he does not really have much experience of some of the festivals being celebrated.

It was almost a week to the festival of Nowruz which was always celebrated at the beginning of every spring. This time Ali has the time to go into the town but he was at disadvantage. He would either be by his dad or accompanied by bodyguards. That did not bother him that much because he knew how to make it out without they getting a glimpse of him. He was like,"Come on. I'm twenty years now and no more a teenager. Why are they doing this to me? Dad always treating me like a kid."

Ali went out with his guards not disguised for people to unrecognise him. He was princely dressed and the guards prevented people from coming close to him unless he allowed. Meanwhile Achraf and Ayan saw Ali afar dressed in princely clothes. Achraf said,"Man, I've never seen Ali dressed in this way..." Ayan replied,"It's because we know him too well. If it wasn't so we will be hailing him like there's no tomorrow." He continued, "Achraf, are you thinking what I'm thinking. Ali is the Prince of the persian empire and we're his friends. Why don't we influence him to steal money or gold and bring it to us." And he laughs in a wicked manner.

Achraf thought of it and said,"Man he's our friend and we can't take advantage of him like that. What if we tell him to tell his father to give us a job. At least we will be well paid better than stealing.." Ayan replied,"Oh Achraf, when will you ever learn. He cannot come into the town unless there's a particular festival."

Ali saw his friends, waved them but they behaved like they were surprised because they did not want people to know they are friends of the prince. Ali approached them and he told his guards to give him a little space. Ali said,"Why are you guys acting so serious never know me. Never mind. I brought gifts for you for this Nowruz festival.
I brought you wild olive, apples, Fish for you and a Quran." Achraf and Ayan felt appreciated but not too much due to the fact that they received this yearly. Ali gave them a blessing and left.

They quickly went in to go through the things which was given to them. Achraf took the Quran since he was dedicated to Islam. He opened the book and there was a letter in it. It said,"You guys have really been my good friends and I didn't know how to repay you. I didn't want the guards to see I was giving you money. Thus, I kept your monies in the moulded container." Achraf called Ayan to check the letter given to them by Ali. They quickly rushed out and guess what? A huge some of money. Something they never thought they would get even if they stole from Ali.

Ayan said,"Achraf, I'm starting to regret what I just planned. All this while I never knew he was kind enough to give us a huge sum of money like this. I guess we're rich Achraf." Achraf said,"It's the grace of Allah and his mercies over us. He knew our financial struggles and he didn't want this struggle to lead us to sin." Ayan said,"It's true. We have to plan wisely on how to use these monies rather than having fun and spending it on women like how others do."

They made a scale of preference in accordance to what they would need first. They decided first to go out on a shopping to buy food stuffs and clothing for themselves. Ayan almost got tempted to gamble due to the delicacies of wanting more money. Achraf hit him on the head to come back to his senses. Achraf said,"Ayan you know is greed. And you cannot exchange Allah's grace for gambling. That's is a huge sin in Allah's sight." Ayan replied,"Whatever Achraf, your dedication to Islam is making you to feel out of the earth or in outer space maybe."

"At least I'm not a womaniser and I pray five times a day." Ayan continued. Achraf said,"Well it might be true you pray and you aren't a womaniser, but that doesn't mean you're righteous in Allah's sight." Ayan got a little furious and looked sternly at him and said,"No one is righteous Achraf. Not even a few. Muhammed was not even hundred percent righteous. Achraf said,"Whatever." They both laughed and went their way.

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