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The king of great India Vahana Vasu paid a visit to the king of persia Abdul Ghaffer. Everyone went in a haste to catch a glimpse of the King's arrival. Everyone hailed the king as he was adored with singing and dancing and a great army following him. He rode on an elephant which shook the whole town and put them in awe.

Abdul came out to see what was going on only to find out King Vasu came to pay him a visit. Thus, he decided to throw a party that day in his kingdom to welcome his guest. Surprisingly, king Vasu brought his daughter along. Abdul was impressed Vasu brought his daughter. This way he might convince the king to give his daughter's hand in marriage to Ali. Abdul wanted to do this not because of his son's wellbeing but he was doing it for his kingdom to be powerful than it was before.

Sadly for Ali his plans to go out that day was put on a stand still. He had to look presentable and of good behaviour and thus, act like he is not into strangers. It greatly disturbed him and his attendant saw him troubled. He said,"Sorry to ask my lord, but what is the problem? You looked troubled." Ali replied,"You don't have to be sorry for anything Omar. You always wanted me to feel okay. That's why you asked me. You're the only person who knows I go out of this palace. Apart from you no one else knows."

Omar said,"I know you promised Achraf and Ayan you'll be with them around sunset and it seems it won't happen today. Don't worry. They'll understand what is going on. Come on let's go and celebrate. Maybe you'll get a crush." Ali looked at him in a ridiculous manner, laughed and said,"Oh please Omar." They all burst into laughter.

Meanwhile, Achraf and Ayan were expecting the arrival of Ali until they realised the king of India came to pay his father a visit. Out of the blue Aisha came to meet them. Aisha said to them,"Now where is the Prince who promised he will arrive at sunset. Are you trying to lie to me or he's just putting you guys on a scam. Then later he'll put you guys in jail." Ayan said,"Oh no Aisha he isn't like that. We know him better than you do." Aisha said,"Oh really, I won't believe you guys unless I see and test the character of him to see who he truly is."

Achraf mockingly scoffed,"I hope you don't end up falling I love with him if you get to know him." Aisha angrily threw her slippers at him, pulled his ear and said,"Listen Achraf, I don't fall for Kings, Princes or what so ever. They're just a bunch of womanisers who can't just stick to one person and they end up breaking your hearts." Ayan scoffed, "So you're a jealous type huh...Even the prophet Muhammad married like five to six women. What is the big deal in that?" She replied,"You guys are not serious."

The palace was full of drumming and dancing and the dance of the Indian women attracted and enticed the palace officials. Omar used his arm to hit Ali and said,"I hope this one didn't entice you that much. Because you haven't seen the princess's own yet. And please do not drink to much wine." Ali said,"I don't think I will be tempted by any seductive waist dance."

Out of the blue the princess came to lead the dance crew. Less than a second she got the eye of Ali. He stirred at her in awe and seemed like his soul had been captured by her beauty. Omar was amazed at what was happening to Ali and began to constantly ask him if he was okay. Ali said,"Omar. I've seen something which had beaten my mind and has possessed me like a demon. I can't help it." Ali got up and went on to dance with the princess. The King of persia got excited for his prayers has been answered. Yet there was one more thing left for his prayers to be fully answered. For in India it is their culture for a woman yo propose to a man.

Ali danced with the princess to the extent that the princess found him to be an interesting guy. Omar said to himself,"I told this guy he would definitely fall and thus he shouldn't take too much wine. Oh my days!" The party was finally over and Ali was drunk to the core. Omar sent him to his room to avoid any embarrassment. Yet he was thrilled at the fact that the prince has fallen in love. Well Omar called it love at first sight.

The sun arose to remind everyone of the enjoyment they had and made others to yearn for more. Ali woke up and the first thing that came to his mind was the princess. He got up in a haste to search for the princess, Omar quickly got up and said,"My lord relax, you haven't even a bath, clean your teeth or even eating and you want to go and see her. She's definitely going to throw you away if you don't appear presentable."

Ali sat on his bed and drove his hands through his hair in devastation. He said to Omar,"Is this how love feels. I haven't experienced such things like these. Is that how it drives people crazy." Omar humbly said,"Yes my lord. That's why I'm here to help you. Even though I'm just your servant I can guide you on the rules of love. Now I think you have to get prepared to go and meet her."

Ali got dressed in sparkling clothes and perfume to catch the eye of the princess. He took advantage of the moment that she was alone. He covered the eyes of the princess to surprise her. The princess did not know who it was but the softness of the palm and the perfume gave her the clue it might be a harmless person. She turned and realised it was Ali. She smiled and said,"It's you. Prince Ali?" He replied in smiles,"Yes. It's me. Prince Ali, but you can just call me Ali. Hey, you never told me your name."

She replied,"I'm princess Zaina. But you can just call me Zaina." Ali replied,"Nice name. It describes your appearance. Thank goodness your parents did not make a mistake of giving you another name." They both laughed and giggled. Ali put her hair at the back her ear and looked straight into her eyes. They both entered into the realms of emotions and the higher they went the closer their faces.

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