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In anger Ayan got home and pushed the door really hard that it almost got broken. Achraf said,"Ayan where were you. I've been looking for you everywhere. And what's with the clothes? What happened to you lips? Did you go to fight?" Ayan shouted saying,"Enough with the questions okay.  All hope is lost, Ali is never coming for us again and we are all going to die in this poverty. And very soon we're going to be slaves to...." Ayan burst into tears. Achraf went on to comfort him. Achraf said,"Tell me, to whom are we going to be slaves." Ayan replied,"To the people of India. The king of India is not whom you think he is. He wants to take over the kingdom through his daughter. Poison Ali's parents and allow his daughter to have control over him in the name of love. And wedding is coming on during the festival of Yalda."

Achraf stood mute for sometime. For he saw that there's no way to save him from the trap he is going into. Achraf asked Ayan saying,"What are we going to do?" Ayan replied,"Nothing Achraf, nothing! This is the end of Ali and us. This is the end of great Persia. This is the end of everyone in this town. Evil has found it's way into the place of peace. The thirst for power is so strong that it has caused a sudden change in the lives of others. I guess we should accept life as it is and see how it treats us."

Achraf said,"It's the end for everyone, especially Aisha." Ayan asked,"What about Aisha?" Achraf replied,"Sadly, Aisha has fully agreed to get married to the finance minister. It seems she has really fallen in love with him to the extent of kissing him." Ayan could not believe what he just heard. She kept wondering how and when this happened all of a sudden. He realised the spell of sudden change is affecting almost everyone. Thus he decided to give up and move on with whatever he will do. Achraf and Ayan also cut their ties with Aisha because of the decision she made and soon going to leave.

Meanwhile Aisha went to the market with Zoya to look for the best clothes for the wedding, which was coming on two weeks after. Aisha sighed with a smile and said,"This is the happiest moment of my life, not because I'm getting married but because of my family. I'm going to make mum and Dad proud and put smiles on their faces. That's my priority." Zoya asked her saying,"Are you sure of the sacrifice you're about to make." Aisha replied,"Putting a smile on the faces of others is more with it than Putting a smile on yours whiles others are in tears."

Zoya gave her reply saying,"Well in most cases that's true. You know, you remind me of the prophet's wife in the Quran. She gave all her alms to the poor without thinking of what she'll eat at the end. Putting smiles on the face of others is your priority. That's why you're called Aisha. I'll agree with you on that." There Ayan and Achraf passed by them. They called them but they refused to turn. Aisha and Zoya felt something was wrong with them. Aisha went to tap Achraf. He turned and said,"Hello ma'am, may I help you." Aisha looked surprised and said,"Achraf, it's me Aisha."

Achraf looked at Ayan, looked at her back and said,"Sorry ma'am the Aisha I knew was full of integrity and would always defend the fact that she doesn't chase old men who would die tomorrow." Aisha said,"Come on Achraf, I'm still the same Aisha. Your Aisha baby remember. Ayan I'm still the same Aisha." Ayan and Achraf looked at each other, looked at Aisha and said,"No you're not. Goodbye!" And they left her. She tried calling but they never gave heed to her. Zoya also made an attempt to call them but they did not mind. Zoya said to Aisha,"It seems your priority to make everyone happy is really not going to work." Aisha replied,"Zoya, you cannot please everyone in this life. But what is important is when you please the most important people in your life and about fifty percent of the people around you." Zoya and Aisha continued to look for the clothes she should wear for the wedding, the spices and the perfume for it.

Elsewhere in the palace Ali stood at the balcony thinking of what Ayan said to him. He thought of it in anguish and said,"How could he say such a thing against Vahana and Zaina. How well does he know them, who died he think he is. How long has he been in the palace to be giving negative comments about people. A mere unemployed peasant." Omar came to the balcony and presented the cup of drink he asked for. Omar asked,"My Lord, is anything anything troubling you?" Ali said,"Would you believe Ayan came to the Palace and told all kind of stuffs against against Vahana and Zaina."

Omar was surprised and thought to himself that Ayan has messed up and has gone to tell Ali the plans of Vahana. Omar said,"How come? How did get into the palace?" Ali replied,"Allah knows how he did that." "Zaina was right after all. Giving little freedom to civilians will make you gain less respect from them." Omar replied,"But not all civilians take advantage of you. Remember Aisha?"
Ali replied,"She disrespected me even though it was the first time speaking to me, the prince of persia." Omar said,"She apologised and you claim you forgave her." Ali replied,"Yeah at least she was courteous enough to apologise truly."

Omar smiled and thought saying,"I hope when he finds out the truth. He would go in for Aisha. Oh how I wish the law can be changed. Well it's only the king who can change the law." Omar went closer to Ali, tapped his shoulder and said,"My prayer for you my lord is, Allah should reveal to you what is truly going on around you. Give you wisdom on how to solve the issues and give you strength to fight your enemies." Ali held his hand and said,"Amen Omar! Amen!"

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