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"Tomorrow will be here sooner than later. The wedding I never liked and thought it was far away from me is finally here. Wow! I'm getting married? Not just mere marriage, but marriage in a grand style. Commanding respect from people in high places, getting married to a rich man, no more baking of bread. Customers who insulted me will soo  give me that due respect." Aisha thought to herself. Immediately her friends in here vicinity came in large numbers wishing her a good and perfect marriage.

She smiled with them, joked and sang with them. Yet she was unhappy within her, but she did not want to show it. For if she does it would be like she is disgracing her family and turning down a very good opportunity. She wanted all this grand wedding and respect from people through the marriage of a rich young man. Sadly it seems all that was not happening. She began to remember the sayings of old that,"You don't get everything you want in this life." Feeling discouraged but just have to accept it as it is.

Everyone in the town of Susa was anticipating for the wedding of Aisha except for Ayan and Achraf. Due to what Ali did to Ayan he did not want to see him, thus he decided not to attend the wedding. On Achraf side he wanted to go but he felt ashamed on the fact Aisha is getting married to an old man. He also felt sad in the sense that if he and Ayan will no more be recognised in the sight of Aisha because of the luxury she going to be entitled with. Achraf thought of it and finally made a decision to attend the wedding. Achraf tried convincing Ayan on several occasions but Ayan refused. Later he gave in because of one thing. That was the food they will share during the wedding.

Ayan thought again and just to go without eating. He said,"Wait...we can't celebrate on the fact that our friend is going to be sad for the rest of her life. Going to the journey of no return. Man let's go and just see her off, since we won't see her again." They felt as though this was a funeral for them. They went on to visit Aisha for the last time. They said to her,"Aisha, promise you won't forget us." Aisha replied,"Why would I forget you guys?" Achraf said,"Come on, it always happens. Especially when people become wealthy they forget those who helped them." Aisha replied,"Well, I'm Aisha Mutalib. Soon to  be Aisha Muhammad. I'm different from the others and nothing can change me. Not even money."

Ayan said,"Let's see about that." Zoya came in looking excited but not within her. She said,"Hey guys? Are you prepared for tomorrow's wedding. Have  you guys found your best clothing yet." Ayan and Achraf looked at each other and replied simultaneously,"Not really." Zoya said,"Well don't worry because I have some nice wedding clothing for you guys." Ayan said,"Won't they say we've stolen clothes to attend a wedding ceremony. Because we don't have that much money to purchase this kind of clothing." Aisha replied,"Don't worry, we bought the dress. Mr. Awal gave us the money to buy our clothing. So relax, come early tomorrow and let's have fun."

They went on their way home and Ayan said,"This hard woman has finally given in to a creepy old man?" Achraf said,"As they always say, fear the power of a woman. Maybe she's planning something different without anyone knowing." Ayan replied,"Maybe she has given in because the pressure from her parents is too much." Achraf said,"Poor Aisha. I wish her well."

Finally the day came for Aisha to be get married. She woke up with fear, her heart beating so fast like an expert drummer. Trying to fight her fears but she could not. Thoughts of serious submission and slavery flowing through her mind. Living in riches but in sorrow was a nightmare coming true. Broken inside her but couldn't hold it any longer. Crying from dawn to sunrise whiles most people in the town are happy including the palace. Wickedness began to flow through her mind. She began to feel wild at heart and in anger threw a glass on the wall which caused a cut in her palm.

Her mum, Dad and Zoya rushed to see if everything was alright. She quickly wiped her tears away before they arrived and lied to them that everything was okay. Even to the extent of telling them she mistakenly dropped her glass on the floor. She opened her wardrobe when they left her room. She said,"Today I've truly seen that wishes do not come to pass. There's no cinderella, no Aladdin. Just reality. Just reality." There she knelt in front of her gown treating the cut on her palm and wrapping it with a bandage.

Meanwhile in the palace Ali and Omar looked for an outgoing outfit for the wedding. Ali as usual must look princely and Omar must look like a royal chief butler. Ali said to Omar,"It's been a while since I met Aisha. I can't believe all of a sudden she gave in to Mr. Awal." Omar replied,"As the saying goes,'people change.'" Ali said,"People don't change Omar, it's their hidden secrets that is being exposed." Omar said,"I'm sure she doesn't love him. Maybe she's just in for the money." Ali said,"Well I don't think she's in for the money. True love does exists." Omar said,"You'll soon realise that true love doesn't exist. But it's just mere lust." Omar was trying to tell him the love he has for Zaina would mot last. It will just end up in a strong hatred and he will forget the love he once felt."

Ali not understanding what Onar said laughed and replied,"Lust? How can a young girl fall in lust with an old man. Knowing he has lost the power to have an intimacy with a young energetic woman." Omar said,"Let me end this conversation with a saying and very soon you'll understand what I'm saying. There's nothing new under this sun. Everything happening today has happened before." And he left to his room. Ali thought of it and realised it was something pertaining to him but it was really deep.

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