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Vahana heard Ali has broken up with his daughter. In anger and fury he barged into Ali's room and asked,"Why did you break up with my daughter, after all the love she gave you." Ali got up, smiled and said,"I don't kill myself for people who value power over the lives of humans. That's an improper fraction." This statement angered Vahana to the brim and shouted saying,"How dare you disrespect and insult me. Don't you have manners?" Ali slowly and calmly walked to him with smiling and said,"You're forgetting your place Vahana Vasu. You've forgotten we rule the world, we're the super power. Thus we can do whatever we like. So you have to respect us not we bowing down to you. And moreover it's only the two of us, why are you shouting?" And he(Ali) used his finger to push him.

Vahana thought within saying,"This is the perfect time to eliminate this guy from the face of the earth, since he won't marry my daughter anymore." Ali said,"That's one thing about greed. Greed will always make you to forget your place and thus would not make you analyse yourself to become a better person. Then pride sets in, and if not dealt with will lead you to destruction. Pride grows to become arrogance and then brings your downfall. So what I'll tell you is, you must be down to earth."

Vahana could not control his anger anymore and said,"You deserve to die." Then he pulled out his sword to strike Ali but Ali managed to escape and run out of his room straight to his palace. Ali's rush to the Palace drew everyone's attention to him. The king Abdul Ghaffer was surprised to see Ali rush into the palace all of a sudden. The King asked with concern,"What's the matter  Ali? What's going on? Why the rush?" Ali panting really hard said,"Dad the kingdom is in danger." Immediately everyone began to murmur in fear, some doubting and some ready to run. Ali said,"Dad, Vahana is not who you think he is. He's a monster and wants to overthrown you."

Abdul Ghaffer said,"Ali what the hell are you saying. I've known Vahana better than you have. I've known him since I was a child and he'll never do something of that sort ever." Ali trying to calm down said,"People do change. And not just change but sometimes it's their hidden secrets that exposes them eventually." Ghaffer replied,"So what are you trying to mean?" Ali said,"You have to let him out of this kingdom and never return. And for the safety of everyone, the wedding will be cancelled."

Everyone in the Palace was surprised including Aisha. She was having mixed emotions for she wanted to find a way to make Ali her own. Ghaffer suddenly gave Ali a slap and said,"How dare you do this to us. Do you know you're ruining the reputation of great Persia. Don't you know you're breaking the law of our forefathers and destroying the legacy they've built." Ali said,"Those legacies are not leading me to a better life, they are rather holding me captive." Ghaffer shouted on top of his voice saying,"Would you shut up? Another word from you and that's the end for you. You'll no more be my son. Unless you agree get married to my best friend's daughter before I'll take you as my son."

Vahana smiled at the scene and laughed wickedly to himself. Ali's mother knelt down begging Ghaffer with tears flowing from her eyes to reverse whatever statement he has made. Everyone surprised at Ali's boldness and the statement from Ghaffer. Ali said,"If then so be it. Moreover I feel I belong to the outside world and not here." Alima, who was Ali's mother said,"Never say that. You don't belong to the streets. You're our only son. Please don't hurt us. Just get married to Zaina please." Ali replied,"No mother! Even if I'm your only son. I'll sacrifice my life you mum and Dad and the kingdom of persia. I guess it's time for you guys to know the truth."

Everyone kept silent ready to listen to every statement Ali was about to make. Ali said,"I've been sneaking out of the palace into the town just to have a feel of the place. I wanted to know how it feels to live a life a civilian. And trust me, living a life of a civilian is far better.  I went out and made a couple of friends named Achraf, Ayan, Zoya and even Aisha." Almost everyone turned to look at Aisha and she bent her head down in shyness and felt disgraced. People in the palace including Awal began to question her that she knew the prince was walking in town when he was not supposed to, but she kept it a secret.

He continued,"I did not want anyone else to know apart from Omar..." The king stood up and went straight to Omar very angry crying out loud saying,"Why didn't you tell me Ali has been sneaking out of the palace." Ali shouted,"Enough Dad, why are you trying to create a scene. If that's how you're going to act all day then consider me not your son anymore. I'm sick and tired of this palace. This palace that provides only respect and riches but infringes upon our rights. But before I leave, I have one  more thing to say. An enemy once told me,'Your people will take advantage of you if you're not autocratic. Yet a citizen of great Persia told me that,'Democracy is the key to what will make people love you as a king, reduce the chance of people trying to kill or overthrown you and make persia a better place to live in."

Ali took a turn to his room to pack his belongings to leave the palace. Aisha admired his boldness and courage and wished she had this kind so that she would not have married Awal. She immediately went out as if she was going to the washroom. Meanwhile she went on to cross Ali and said,"Ali what do you think you're doing." Ali replied,"Doing what is right?" Aisha said,"I know what you're doing is right but what of the kingdom, who is going to take over if your dad dies." Ali said,"That's not my concern anymore. Vahana has already taken over the kingdom indirectly and there's no way to stop him." Aisha replied,"There's always a way of stopping him. I believe in you and you're the only one who can stop this. Remember when you told me your grandfather left you with a sword, the day you and I took a stroll around the town." Ali replied with a yes. Aisha said,"Use that yo fight him since he himself is an assassin." Ali said,"I wish I had you in my life before. Like by now my life would have been different."

Aisha replied,"Don't worry, I'll always be there for you regardless. Because I love you." Ali said,"What about Awal? Won't you be cheating on him." Aisha said,"I know and accept the fact that cheating is everywhere. But I'm cheating on him for a good purpose." Ali said,"Fine, but I've got to get going." Aisha kissed him and said,"Take care. I love you." Ali replied,"I love you too." And he left the palace.

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