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After she kissed him for a while she refrained and greatly apologised for what she did. Feeling uneasy and happy at the same time, she quickly left Ali's presence with a run. Ali tried calling her but she refused to turn. She quickly got to the chariot and left with her newly wedded husband Mr. Awal. He came out but realised it was too late. He said to himself saying,"I hate to admit it but I could just sense her love through her kiss."

Immediately Omar came and said,"We are about to leave. Let's go to the carriage and continue our discussion." They went into the carriage and set of straight to the Palace. Ali asked Omar,"Can you sense love through a kiss." Omar replied,"Well my Lord, I don't know if that thing is true but to me it looks like a myth. Why that question my lord?" Ali sighed and answered saying,"It's nothing, it's just a question that popped in my head."

Omar looked at him with suspicion and said,"My Lord, you know I always help you when you're in trouble. Since when you were a kid your dad handed you over to me to take care of you and...." Ali replied,"Yes I know all of that, something significant just happened today and it's quite strange." Omar curious to know said,"I guess you'd like to share. Tell me about." Ali said,"Well would you believe that Aisha confessed her love for me. I didn't believe it and I thought it was one of her tricks. She saw that I didn't believe her so she asked me if I want her to prove it. Well I gave her the go ahead and she went on to kiss me with passion."

Omar laughed and said,"Sorry my Lord,  I just couldn't control my laughter. Wait like seriously she just kissed you." Ali with all seriousness said,"Yes she just did. I'm so confused because it's in our law that anyone who belongs to the royal home must marry someone who is a royal. But I saw something different in Aisha." Omar asked,"And what is that?" Ali answered,"She's confident and outspoken. I realised something between Zaina and Aisha. Aisha even though she tries to prove stubborn she's submissive, she will sacrifice anything to put smiles upon the faces of others, and lastly she's supportive."

Omar continued for Ali saying,"But Zaina is none of these. Not supportive, not sacrificial but full of greed, not submissive but wants others to submit to her. The only thing positive about her is her beauty." Ali said to Omar,"About her, early in the morning I'll go and meet her and tell her it's over between us. If Vahana gets angry he'll tell my dad, I'll go with all boldness and tell my dad I won't go in for her." Omar asked him what if his dad renounce him as his son. Ali gave Omar a smile and said,"He'll glady leave the palace, for it's better to leave than my dad suffer under the hands of Vahana."

Sooner than later they got to the Palace and due to how stressful and fun the day has been everyone decided to take rest. Even with Ali feeling tired too he could not still fall asleep because of the evil plots Vahana and Zaina has made to take over the kingdom. He went to his wardrobe and took out his sword specially given to him by his dad. He said to himself,"Dad I'm going to make you and the kingdom of persia proud. You gave me this sword because you may have knew one day something of this sort will happen. Vahana! Get ready to die by the sword."

Omar shouted from his room telling Ali that instant violence is not the only way to instant peace. Ali put his sword back into his wardrobe and went to his bed yo have a goodnight sleep.


Hearing the neigh of many horses, swords clashing and men crying. Ali found himself fighting with Vahana. Suddenly he was pushed by Vahana and quickly held bound by two strong men. Vahana with his sword raised it ready to slash Ali with it. Ali shouted but Vahana will not listen. Ali shouted saying,"Vahana no!" And he woke up realising it was a nightmare and the dream occurring the second time. Got up from his bed and realised it was sunrise. In anger to the dream and what happened yesterday he dressed up ready to meet Zaina just to tell her it's over.

He went to meet her and stopped her from hugging him. She knew why he did that but pretended as if she knew nothing. Continually asking Ali why she was acting that way. Ali said to her,"Why are pretending? Why are you trying to act innocent? You and your Dad are conniving against us to take over our kingdom. And he's using you against me to submit to you." Zaina said,"No it's not like that. I was trying to help in the advancement of the kingdom." This angered Ali the more and said,"You know, let's end this. We're breaking up."

Zaina said,"Ali seriously. How can you tell me story. You're breaking up with me, after all we've been through." Ali replied,"Through what? Your love that didn't mean much to you but power. Wanting to have control over me and letting your dad take over the whole of persia leaving us to be fugitives. Sorry to say but your dad is going to die in my hands." In anger Ali left and Zaina's anger grew and said,"Well fine, we'll see about that. Let's see if you'll get anyone to love you like I did." Ali scoffed and said,"It's better for me to die single than for me to get married to a woman who is in love with power." Ali left her presence and went to his room. Omar asked him how he went and Ali's response was positive.

Omar said,"This is just the beginning. Let's see how Vahana will react when he finds out."

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