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Alima(Ali's mother) was excited abs proud of her son. She went to him and said,"Ali my son, I'm proud of you. I never knew you could be this confident and stand up for yourself so strongly even in the midst of your father's death." Ali smiled and replied saying,"Mum, Dad is gone and we can't change the fact. We can't go to the past and change things. We just have to accept it the way it is and move on." Alima said,"You're a true definition of a warrior. Now since you're the new king of great persia, don't you have a second thought of changing some of the royal rules." Then she pointed to Aisha with her palms open.

Ali got a glimpse of what she was trying to mean. Ali said,"Oh okay, do not worry about that mum. I will definitely change and go against the royal rules, especially for someone who saved my life and taught me the true definition of love." Alima asked,"So what are you going to do with Zaina?" Ali replied,"Leave it to me. I just know what to do."

He left his mum and Zoya and Achraf came across him. Zoya said,"We are sorry you lost you dad but at the same time happy you're now a king and getting married to Aisha." Achraf said,"Yeah about that. I think you have to tell us how it happened." Ali said,"Well I think I'll tell you about that later. But I'm so sad because we've lost a great friend and a brother. Oh poor Ayan, I wish he was with us to celebrate this moment." Achraf said,"True brother. No matter how annoying sometimes he was he still manages to express love to those around us." Zoya replied,"It's a lot to take in. Well I guess it is what it is. I hope he's up there looking at us with a smile."

Immediately Aisha came to pull Ali to her side and it created an uproar between them. Zoya said,"Hey! He was talking to us first, we aren't done." Aisha smiled and said,"Well he's mine now and no one can take him away from me." Achraf said,"Haha, you didn't have the guts to say that when the 'old man' was alive." Aisha said,"I might as well have cheated on him with Ali." Achraf in shock said,"Goodness gracious! That's insane. Allah won't be happy with you." Aisha replied,"Well he is now." And she left with Ali. Achraf said to Zoya,"This woman can sometimes be annoying." Zoya replied sarcastically,"Tell me about it."

Ali sat on his throne and selected new ministers for great persia. He made Achraf the head of all the wise men of the state. He also made Omar chief of all his royal advisers. And Zoya was made the minister of finance. And other prudent men made it to the top. There Ali summoned the big men of the palace and Zaina was named Queen of India. Ali then changed the name of India to hindustan because of their way of life and worship. And also because he has gotten full control of India. Zaina was crowned as Queen of India and sent on an exile never to return to Persia again.
As she left she was in tears and the hoots from the people of persia was intense. She cried bitterly and regretted ever trusting her dad and stepping into the persian land.

She said,"I'm scattered and chattered. Power and gain made me to be flattered. Now look at me, I'm devastated. What is the fate of my tomorrow? How much more time I'm I left to borrow? Greed has made my mind very shallow. I guess this is the end for me. I never thought for a second this is how my end would be. If I was content and willing to stand for the truth my life and country will be okay. I must leave this world quickly without spending another day." She stopped at the riverside and committed suicide by drowning herself.

Soon Ali and Aisha got married. This time Aisha's heart was not burdened but lightened with much joy. The wedding celebrations continued for a week because the whole week was declared a holiday.

Omar went to Zoya and the two connected emotionally. Omar said to her,"I think I've found the right person I can travel the world with." Zoya laughing and smiling asked who it was and Omar said it was her. She began to blush and out of words, she quickly run away and Omar felt he had messed up. He said to himself,"I shouldn't have started that way. I'm so bad at conversing with a woman." Meanwhile Zoya run to Aisha and told her all Omar said to her. Aisha looked at Omar abd said to Zoya,"I think this man is a good man. He has been taking care of Ali since he was a kid and always counselling him. Ali just gave him an honour of making him his royal adviser. Go for it! He's a good man."

Zoya went to Omar and agreed for them to go on together. Aisha went on went on watching them dance and smiled with joy that finally Zoya has gotten someone. Ali came to hug her from behind and she panicked a little. Aisha sighed and said,"Ali you scared the hell out of me." Ali said,"Oh did I? Let's say I scared the love you have for me back into you." They both laughed and began to dance. Aisha said,"You're such an amazing person. And I'm ready to travel with you to the ends of the earth no matter what happens." Ali replied,"I waited so long to find a perfect woman in my life and my patience have paid off. And I'm ready to do whatever it takes just for you, because you're my wish on a shooting star."

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