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A certain girl named Aisha lived in the land of susa. She was a middle class citizen and earned her living by baking and selling bread, due to the fact that she has to take care of her littlesiblings. For her elderly sisters have been given in to marriage to rich old men and very soon it might be her turn. It got her thinking more often. "Hakim! Take the coin out of your mouth or else you might get sick!" She yelled at her little brother.

Ayan came to the bakery shop and saw Aisha yelling at her little brother and said," Aisha baby, stop yelling at the poor lad. He's only a kid." Aisha looks frustrated and Ayan realises it. Ayan said, "Aisha what's wrong?" Aisha says,"It's nothing Ayan. Thanks anyway." Ayan says,"If it's about struggling with Islam faith Achraf his here to help you. If it is about life I'm here to help you. If it is both we are here to help you." Aisha smiled and said, "That's why you two are my best friends, I thank Allah for letting me have you guys in my life." Achraf said,"Oh stop, you're making us shy." And they both burst into laughter.

Achraf brought out money to buy bread and Aisha was thrilled at the fact that they came to buy bread with money. For whenever they came to her they always borrow bread and never pay. She was curious to know how they got the more for they were not working. And she would not think they stole money because they were very religious. She said,"Tell me, where did you get the money?" They were scared to tell her because they feared rumours may spread they knew the prince.

Aisha sternly looked into their eyes to compel them to tell the truth. Finally they gave up and Ayan spilled the beans to Aisha. Aisha more curious to know asked questions upon questions and they told her everything without leaving  anything. She asked them,"Will I get to meet him?" Both looked confused and scared. She says,"Come on are we not friends, and more over are you guys not called the A's. If I add up our group will be very unique. I know you guys fear rumours would spread and with this secret in my hands this will never spread, you can trust me on that."

They agreed and said,"Fine, you'll get to meet him tomorrow at our home. Maybe at sunset." Aisha became extremely excited she was going to meet the prince and speak to him. Achraf and Ayan looking confused and scared but faked a smile, got up and said,"We are leaving. So maybe tomorrow. Thanks for the free bread tho." Aisha responded,"No worries. It's my pleasure. "
Ayan said to Achraf, "What are we going to tell prince Ali? He told us to swear that we won't tell anyone and here lies the case we broke the trust he has for us." Achraf said,"We have to tell him the truth eventually. You can't hide it forever for Aisha is in a haste to meet him." Ayan angrily said,"It's all your fault Achraf. You shouldn't have pulled the money out. We should have gone the normal way of borrowing. Now see where your religious act has led you."

Achraf angrily said,"I did what was right Ayan. We can't be taking advantage of people every time because of the relationship we share with others. You tried to do that to prince Ali and you felt ashamed. You tried to do that with Aisha and now see, she gave it to us for free." He sighed and gently continued,"Do what you have to do according to the Quran or else you'll lose everything. Don't you see Allah is trying to bless us but you're hasting for it to come quick. Allah does things according to his time. Take heart, relax and leave everything to him."

Ayan sat down devastated and said,"You're right. I've been taking advantage of every little favour people do for us. See how poverty is beating us up. I sometimes feel if we don't take advantage of them we will never get anyone who will help us someway."

Ayan said,"You must not put your trust in man. It's Allah who brings people into our lives to be our destiny helpers. Calm down and take heart. Let's do everything genuinely this time and let's see what happens." Ayan saw it to be a good idea and promised to do everything in a genuine manner.

Meanwhile, Aisha went home tired from work. She went straight to her room to relax and thinking about how her day went. What gave her joy is going to meet up with the prince sunset. Elsewhere in the living room her mum and dad were discussing about the life of Aisha. They were making plans to give her hand in marriage to an influential business man in the society called Abubakar Adams. He was of the age of sixty two years who had three wives, and if Aisha should join it will be four wives this man has.

Her Dad said to her mum,"Our family has to gain a good reputation and the respect no one has ever had. That's why we give our daughters to men who are well to do and have some kind of reputation and influence." His wife Rafia said,"Thanks to Allah a man close to the king of persia is interested in Aisha. But I don't know how she's going to take the news." Ibrahim said,"Hun don't worry, whether she likes it or ues she'll get married to him. See Aisha in the married the prophet Muhammad at a very young age. So our daughter Aisha will enumerate the good morals of one of the wives of Muhammad."

Aisha came from her room to meet up with her parents. She said,"Mum, dad I hope my sisters are okay. When are they coming to visit us?" They pretended they knew where they were, smiled in front if Aisha and said,"They are doing well Aisha. Actually I can't tell when they'll come and visit but I'm sure they'll give us a surprise visit." She hugged her dad and said,"I miss them." Everyone put on the sad face of uncertainty for they feared for Aisha's future but also cared about the positive reputation the family will get.

ALI AND AISHAOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant