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Ayan and Achraf got up early in the morning for Fajr prayers. The washed their faces, hands and feet to wash aways their sins. This practice was called ablution. After the prayers Ayan asked Achraf,"Yesterday we don't know how it went for Ali and Aisha. We left them immediately we visit Aisha's family as merchant tailors." After they both decided to go and see her. They got to her shop and saw a vast number of people buying bread. This kept Achraf and Ayan wondering whether there's bread shortage. Out of the blue Achraf said,"I guess they didn't eat at night before sleeping. Maybe this had caused them to be extremely hungry."

Ayan laughed and said,"Are you serious bro. I wasn't expecting you to say something like that." Achraf said,"Well it might be true tho because we haven't entered the season of fasting yet." Ayan said,"Well that's true. Maybe business is really booming for her. Let's go and come back midday or sunset." And they left and continued their exploring adventure. As they journeyed they mistakenly bumped into an old woman and she fell. They tried helping her to get up and began apologising. Suddenly the old lady began to shout angrily at them saying,"Isn't there a day you guys won't roam. Hurry up and look for a job and stop being a burden on others."

Ayan in anger pushed the old lady to the ground and it turn the whole vicinity into an uproar. Immediately men and women got up to attack both Achraf and Ayan. Achraf tried to make peace by apologising again and trying to lift the woman up. Yet the people did not give heed to what they were saying and began stoning them, screaming and saying,"Apologising will not change anything! You just pushed a poor old man who can give birth to your father." Ayan pulled Achraf by the hand and they both took to their heels. Ayan said,"were you just going to stand there apologising whikes they stone you. Like by now you're already the past."

Achraf said,"I was speaking on your behalf for your rude attitude towards the old lady. You could have just let her go." Ayan replied,"let her go? After the mean things she said. Come on, we have gotten a lot of job rejections and I don't think Aisha will let us help her." The both got home and gave a strong breath of relief. Achraf said,"phew. Finally we've gotten home. Thinking about what the woman said, I think we should go on looking for a job." Ayan replied,"Hey! I've got an idea. You know Aisha is getting married, and her job would come to a stand still. So why don't we ask her to give us the job after she gets married." Ayan said,"I like your idea but she doesn't trust us with anything and moreover she had the job over to Zoya or her little brother or her mum to be precise."

Achraf said,"You're right. But there's no harm in trying. If we don't try the possibility that we won't have it is high." So they thought of the idea and made up their minds to talk to her into giving them the job. They went on to visit Aisha around three o'clock in the afternoon. Aisha welcomed them overly excited and her countenance was different from every other day. Ayan whispered to Ayan saying,"Is it me or Aisha is overly excited and calm." Ayan said,"I think Ali has tamed her and made her excited." Aisha saw them whispering and gave them a stern look. She asked them what they were whispering about. Ayan said,"We are talking about how beautiful you are."

Aisha said,"Awwn thank you!" Achraf and Ayan looked at themselves in a strange manner very shocked. Achraf asked Aisha saying,"What happened between you and Ali yesterday?" Aisha replied,"Oh Ali. He such an amazing guy.  One of the most handsome, caring and adoring man ever. I wish I get married to such a man." Ayan came closer to her and asked if she has fallen in love with Ali. She denied saying,"Come on Ayan. We just met yesterday." Yet her body language did not match with what she was saying. Ayan continued to ask her in a convincing manner to tell her the truth. Aisha wished to tell them but due to the trust issues she had about them and they being very close to Ali she was scared to tell them.

She wanted to tell Ali himself that she has fallen for him but due to kingdom traditions, anyone from the royal family cannot get married to an outsider unless the outsider belongs to a royal family. And she also knew Ali was in a relationship with the Princess of India. So she decided not tell anyone except Zoya of what is going on within her. Making it worse with she is getting married in a few months time. Ayan saw she was upset minded and asked her saying,"Why? what's wrong? Is everything alright? Oh I get it. That marriage." Aisha said to him,"Please in the name of Allah stop reminding me of that marriage, it gives me nausea." Ayan burst into laughter and apologised. He said,"Nausea? Then this marriage really disgust you to the core." Aisha said,"Yes, it really disgust me."

Ayan remembered the reason why they came and he said to Aisha,"Sorry for bringing this up again but should in case you get married would you like to leave this bakery shop to us to handle. Look I know it sounds strange and you don't trust us but hey, you're our friend and we are jobless. Men and women on the streets always give us names. But if you aren't getting married can we at least help you in your business." Aisha looked at them, smiled and said,"Do you think your words can touch me and convince me into letting you guys work with me. Come on, everyone knows you're jobless and I'll lose my business if I let you into it. So please I..." Achraf stood up and said,"It's okay we get you. Ayan let's go, we don't have to come for a job employment here anymore. Let's go." And they left to their homes worried.

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