Kidnapped - KiriKamiBaku

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Like a flick of a light switch, your eyes snap open.

Sluggish and heavy, you almost felt like you were in a blurry, dream-like state.

Where... were you?

Eyes smeared with fatigue, you couldn't make out anything, the minimal, dim light buzzing from the dilapidated grey corner distorting your vision into lopsided shapes and dull colours.
With your mind feeling agonisingly murky, you try to concentrate, zoning in on particular aspects of your surroundings, a plea for some sort of hint as to where you were.
You start simple.
A chair.
You're sitting on a chair, and not a particularly comfortable one either, much to your disappointment. It's cold and cruel against your legs, and the twisted metal back of it prods at your spine like a jagged, wrong puzzle piece, being forced into the incorrect spot.
Moving on, your eyes flit languidly to a rectangular, unusually tall door, placed directly in front of you. You couldn't make out the exact colour of it, but it was dull and decrepit, just like the rest of the room.
In corners, you spotted the faint outlines of wispy spiders webs, and occasional flecks of dust falling indefinitely from the crumbling ceiling, landing inches away from you.

Trembling against the hard iron beneath you, your eyes adjust a little better to the bleak nothingness of the plain room, panic brewing in your stomach as your mind defines the fact that you don't know where you are, or how you got there.
You try to lift your heavy limbs, but even your fingers felt like they'd been stapled with obnoxiously thick lead.
Vulnerableness washed its way throughout your body, feeding the monster of panic that gnawed it's way rabidly through your fatigued flesh.
The panic erupts, like a catalyst, the moment you realise that your arms and legs are locked to the chair leg.
Cold, bitter metal straps bite into your ankles, and stoic silver shackles bind your wrists to the frosty chair arms.
You want to scream, but the adrenaline had also made you hyper-aware of the smothering black bandana covering your mouth tightly.
It rides up to your nose, partially blocking your airway, making just breathing challenging.

Who had done this? Had you been... kidnapped?

The room decays at an alarming rate, bits of rubble and mould clattering to the floor and breaking the deafening silence.
You could hear your quickened, irregular heart-rate race through your ears, erasing any rationality you had with each pump.
For some reason, the looming, bleak door in front of you was messing with your mind — taunting hallucinations of the hinges moving slightly, or that it began to creak open slowly, revealing the shadowed figure of your kidnapper, all stopping when you blink.
It made you squirm with dread and queasiness, your stomach doing front-flips.

It doesn't take too long before your hallucinations become reality.
In fact, you almost think your ears are deceiving you again when the door groans wistfully, swinging open ever so slightly, that if you weren't so alert, you wouldn't have noticed.
You blink rapidly, gulping down the knot of dry terror stuck in your windpipe as you brace yourself.

You didn't know what to expect.
Perhaps a muscled, angry-looking man with a short-temper, or perhaps someone sly, dressed in sleek, plain clothes, paired with a shit-eating grin drawn on their face, as if to say 'you're in for it.'
But no.
When the door finally swings open just enough for you to get a glimpse of who pushed it, your quivering eyes are met with a much different depiction that you initially thought.
One that sends shivers down your spine, and chills your blood.
It was a slight, small figure, their face blurred by the dark cover of the crumbling room.

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