[Fantasy AU] Whisked Away - Todobakudeku

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_Franss — I'm so so sorry this took so long, but I hope you enjoy! <3

Snow falls intricately at your feet as you walk with your class back to the warmth of the school, footsteps echoing on the concrete path that's lit up beautifully by soft, pink lights.

Your lesson had been cut short due to ice precautions, complaints making up most of your ambiguous chatter.
"It's not like we're unused to these conditions either, right? We fight with ice alll the time. Todoroki's in our class for God's sake!" Mina exclaims, her hands pulling at her frizzy pink hair in frustration.
There's a loud murmur of agreement before everyone resumes their own conversations, Todoroki chuckling to himself discreetly.

In all fairness, it wasn't very often you got snow, the delicacy of the flakes piquing your interest.
You watched them in half-concealed awe as they fell down from the sky above, even sticking out your tongue to taste the peculiar frostiness of the flakes.
"—Y/N? You should probably keep your eyes on the ground. It's slippery." Midoriya pokes you, his hand ravelling around your waist to steady you.
You stop looking upwards and fix your gaze on him, a beam spreading across your face as you lean into his touch. He was always overly protective of you ever since you tripped over at the beach that one time in front of him on your last school trip and had a black eye for days.
"But I love snow," You frown, looking into his eyes.
"Y'know, your freckles kind of remind me of snowflakes." You add, making his frost-bitten cheeks go a little more rosy.
"S... Snowflakes?" He stammers, touching his face instinctively as you walk on.
"Yeah! Not a bad thing, like, at all. Like I said, I love snow, and as it turns out, I love you too." You grin, also loving winding him up.
His face is completely red now, and you're beginning to slip behind the steady pace of the class who are marching on, determined to get back inside the warmth of UA.

Out the corner of your eye, a flash of green catches your eye.
"Oh! Um, I... I love you as w—"
"Hey, did you see that?" You whisper, head snapping away from his starry gaze to the direction of the movement.
"Uh... see what?" He flushes, trying to pull himself together.
You mentally chuckle — he always got flustered when you dropped the L-bomb, and it never failed to make your heart swoon.
But right now, something else was on your mind.
"I'm sure I just saw something. It was green and... strangely fast?" You ponder, wondering what it could be.
Midoriya's grip tightens on your back, his footsteps suddenly becoming more hurried.
"That doesn't sound good, and we're slipping away from the group," He frowns, making you pick up your pace.
Looking forward, you see your class miles ahead of you, almost at the door of the faraway, cosy looking school.
"Let's catch up. I'll carry you, it's a little dangerous with the frost." He says, scooping you up.
"Ha, okay." You chuckle, wrapping your arms around him as he carries you bridal style across the pathway, his strides long and purposeful.

You're almost at the door when the flash catches your eye again — and this time, you're not going to let it go undiscovered.
It was almost supernatural how the thought of it had lingered in your mind as Izuku had carried you, not wanting to be pushed away.
Without warning, you leap out of his arms, almost toppling over in the process.
"—I saw it again, quick!" You say urgently, not sure why you were caring so much.
It was like something was driving you on, chasing the green movement.
"Wait, Y/N—!" Midoriya calls, darting after you.
Your class is long gone by now, cosied up in the warmth of the dorm rooms, probably soaking up the heat of the fire and roasting chestnuts in the dorm room like Mr Aizawa had suggested to lighten your gloomy faces.
This meant you had free reign, leaping over fences and light-poles to catch up to the mysterious movement, the cold biting your face malevolently.
"W... wait up...!" You hear Midoriya huff from behind you, struggling to leap over the obstacles.
"Hurry!" You shout over your shoulder, eyes trained on the movement like a predator stalking its prey.

MHA POLY-ONESHOTS x READEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora