Barbie - TodoBakuDeku

878 19 6

XxRandomFrogxX  In honour of the new film 😽

"Alexa, turn off."

The upbeat music she'd been playing for the good part of several hours falls silent at your command, leaving an eerie void of sound. Huffing, you take one last glance in the opal engraved mirror that stood propped against your vanity, and adjust your hair slightly with frustrated fingers.
Not a single strand was cooperating with you today, even with the gallon of Oribe Superfine hairspray you'd patted into your hair in numerous ways — gently, furiously, slowly, vigorously. You feel a little defeated, but nonetheless, you didn't have time to fret too much over your appearance. As long as you were glammed up in pink and glitter as the invite suggested, you'd be fine.
During the premiere there would undoubtedly be a blanket of darkness, the only light being the gentle glow of the screen.
All you had to worry about were the pictures beforehand... and about finding something pink to wear. It was the Barbie Movie premiere you were invited to after all.

Taking one deep breath in and out, you kick on your only pair of pink shoes and head out the bedroom door, shutting off the light with a satisfying click. When you walk awkwardly down the marble stairs of your home — the stupid slippery ones that Katsuki had unflinchingly insisted on getting during the house design — you sigh slightly when you realise that you may or may not have worn the shoes before to a photographed event. Oh well, you think to yourself. Esme and Matty, your stylists, certainly wouldn't be impressed by your carelessness, but they'd just have to deal with it. There was no way you could deal with trying to find a new pair right now.

As your shoes clack against the second-to-last step, Izuku appears from the open kitchen, where something seems to be simmering away in a pot. He's wearing the dark pink suit you recognise from your shopping trip the other day, paired with a coral pink, patterned tie. His long hair is gelled back to your surprise, and he smells like a packet of freshly opened mint polos.

He glances at you with a soft smile, taking in your outfit.

"Ah, I see you got the pink memo too, huh?" He gestures to your outfit with a chuckle. "I like it. It suits you."

"You're lying, but thanks." You say sweetly, making your way over to him and smoothing over the fabric of his shirt. He blushes a little at your close proximity, his jade eyes slowly travelling from your eyes, to your nose, to your lips.
"I feel weird in pink. It's not like I dislike it... I just never wear it." You frown, looking down at your outfit undecidedly. Izuku takes his hands and runs then down your back softly before pulling you into an embrace. His sudden touch and forward nature makes you shiver slightly in excitement.
"You should wear it more often, Y/N. It's cute on you." Izuku hums shyly into your ear as you sway like that for a little while, his hand tracing small patterns across your skin. His lips begin pressing tender kisses to your neck and shoulders before he moves up slightly to nibble your ear.
"You're cute." You deflect, shooting him a little smile as you pull back a margin to kiss him properly.

He tastes like strawberries and caramel popcorn, and as you deepen the kiss, you listen intently for his quiet gasps and moans. You take great pleasure in eliciting these noises from him by occasionally running your hand through his freshly gelled hair and letting your thumbs dip beneath his suit trousers.

At the stove, Bakugo's now tending to the bubbling food pot, his black suit sleeves rolled up scruffily to his elbows as his muscles flex back and fourth with each movement.
"Stop being such saps. It's annoying." He groans, glancing half-heartedly over his shoulder when he hears Midoriya's small huffs.
"Oi. You two. I said stop. You're supposed to be getting ready." He narrows his eyes as he turns his attention back to the soup, not letting anyone see the small smile on his face at the sight of the two of you getting along so well.
You blush a little at his demand before pressing a final kiss to Izuku's freckled cheek and walking to the table.
"I think you're just a little jealous," You hum whilst rummaging around the contents of the hot pink purse you'd left on the table, checking you had everything you needed.

MHA POLY-ONESHOTS x READERTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang