[Fantasty AU] Bandits - KiriBaku

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@mercyhargrove101  I'm so so sorry I got halfway through and realised I'd only written KiriBaku 😭
I hope you enjoy anyway,,,, ❤️❤️ [so sorryyy]

Not a single cloud in sight, the sky was a plaza of pink and orange above you as you plunged your sword back into it's leather sheath, long grass swaying beneath your feet.

You and Kirishima had been play-fighting, supposedly all day, the pink tinge in the sky telling you that the daylight was near to an end.

"It's getting late, we can't continue any longer." You giggle, a soft smile on your face as Kirishima whines, his body buried in the long summer grass, a few wild flowers brushing against his face.
"It's not that late. It's still light!" He tries to persuade you to stay, but you knew better.

You'd been stuck in this world for two years now, and wether you liked it or not, it was your home now.
And although it was an enchanting place the majority of the time, you were well aware of the dangers that arose at night.
Mystical creatures, haunted souls, practically anything you could think of was out there in one shape or another, ready to leap out of a children's story book.

The sickly sweet air, infused with pollen, is all you can smell as you shake your head, a reluctant look etched on your face.

"The sun's setting, which means we only have a little more light to cook dinner and get everything finished for the day. I'd love to stay longer, but we can't." You sigh, holding out a gloved hand to help him up.

He takes it gently and springs onto his feet, shaking the pollen off his clothes and tousling petals out of his hair before sighing in defeat.

"You're right. I'm sure Bakugo's going to be angry at us for not doing much today. He's so focused on building that new shelter these days that we barely see him. I feel kind of bad for not helping him out but... it's not our fault if we want a break from all that labour y'know..." He trails off as you gesture for him to walk on down the barely distinguishable field pathway, the two of you wading your way through the tall stalks.

You hum ambiguously, eyes locked on the beauty of the clear pink sky.

"We'll help tomorrow. I'm sure he understands that this new shelter isn't particularly our top priority. Although, he's expanding it a lot. It's much bigger than our current one."
You tell him with a little excitement, his face brightening considerably.
"You're right, I can't deny that I'm looking forward to moving into it. I just... I don't know. We have so many memories in our current place. It's where we found you, after all. It's where it all began, really." He says shyly, making your eyes avert from the pretty sky to his bashful face.

You chuckle giddily, getting a little closer to him in order to link your arms.
"It's a shame we're not going to live there anymore, but home is wherever you two are. Plus, you can't deny that we need more space. It's a struggle getting to sleep when your wings poke into my face, seeing as we all want to sleep together in a room meant for one person." You laugh, shooting him an accusatory look.

He flushes, going as red as his hair.

"What— I didn't even realise that my wings were a problem! Why didn't you tell me? I'm so sorry..." He groans.
You wave your hand, dismissing it.
"It's fine, I don't care." You reassure him, eyes lighting up when you see smoke plumes arising from your cabin in the near distance.

"Look, I think Katsuki's already begun cooking dinner!" Kirishima voices your thoughts, making you nod excitedly.
"It looks like it. I wonder what it is..." You whisper curiously, stomach grumbling as you pick up your pace.
You hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch due to the excitement of just playing in the fields with Kirishima — Just a few apples you'd found at the bottom of your satchel providing you with the energy you needed.
"I hope it's meat." He sighs wistfully, his eyes landing on you and lighting up with a mischievous glint.
"Race you there!"

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