|+| can they sing ?? |+|

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inspired by the enstars thing I did last chapter-

so I'm gonna be rating the Deities based on how well they can sing-

and if they could be an idol with the right training [ignoring things like unnatural height, the fact they're celestial beings, Erys being a god-eater, etc]


[ Athanasios ]

- he's been around since the dawn of time

- ofc he's gonna pick up a skill for singing along the way

- his voice is rlly low and somewhat raspy; he can hit vibratos rlly well

- he might need some training to do full-blown songs, but he'd get the hang of it fast

- he can't rlly dance, not bc of a lack of talent, but bc his leg got fucked up a few thousand years ago and it still affects him

- basically he'd be able to be an idol, just not one in RYUSEITAI

- he'd probably fit the UNDEAD aesthetic more, considering he's a Deity of Death


[ Xena ]

- can sing rlly well??? surprisingly????

- her voice is very,,,,,, malleable?

- I can't explain it but she can blend her voice rlly well w/ others while still holding her own on a stage

- she does have a slightly lower voice than expected but women w masculine voices are hot so

- she just needs to translate her agility and battle knowledge into dancing

- which. should be easy

- right ??

- (no)


[ Altalune ]

- her voice is so )!(*#*$#$%&$(*#%)#$%%*

- unfortunately she only rlly fits in calmer songs due to the nature of her voice

- with some training she could definitely be able to project her voice better

- with dancing..........um

- yeah she is just. not able to dance in a group

- she does her own thing

- so she'd probably be good as a solo idol??


[ Maribelle ]

- she only sounds good when she's singing to herself

- her voice is very rough and doesn't blend well with others unless they also have rougher/lower voices

- could get better with training but she doesn't like learning new things so you'll have to bribe her

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