Restaurant Madness Part 3 [Killua x OC]

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Narrator POV

Soon, their lips met. Killua kept his upright composure not sure what to do. The feeling was nice and relaxing. He felt relief and happy. But at the same time, he felt awkward and unable to do anything. Should he kiss back? Should he break it? No, he liked the kiss.

Ari felt just as awkward, but she kissed him. She wasn't sure if he would return the feeling. He never showed emotion and he was kissing back. Should she be breaking it away....

Killua decided against. Yes he would kiss back. No vigorously, but gently. He didn't know if he could actually do it at all. He let his lips be moved in sync with Ari's, unclear on what to do. He grabbed Ari's hands subconsciously. Her hands were cold like ice, as they were all of the time.

Ari couldn't believe it. Killua showing any sort of affection toward anyone? That's weird. Even for Ari and Gon to realize. Killua was kissing Ari back. Even if it just meant not being so tight. Ari felt Killua's warm hands envelope her small and icy ones. They soon just stood there staring at each other unable to think of what to do.

"Sooo.... now what?" Ari asked. She was a bit better at getting a hold on her head.

"Umm.... Do you want to go do something later?"

"Like tomorrow or something?"

"Sure I guess." Killua still held onto her hand, unknowing that Gon had seen it. Not only saw it, but took a picture. A picture worth keeping for any blackmail Gon would need on him or her. Gon creepily sat smiling. This day was a bit of a mad day. Maybe some restaurant madness.


Btw when they were thinking about the kiss, it only lasted like a couple of seconds, but it kinda felt like a long time so that's why there's a ton of description. Anyway here's the end of the trilogy for this one-shot. Request below!!

Picture is from Kiekyun

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