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"I'll never know why you did what you did"

Kakashi He/Him Male


Does this name seem familiar? If so, nice to know you know about Naruto. Anyway, this is a guy that went by Kakashi online and at the time I was Sasuke. I try to not think about that part too much though.. Side note, we lasted a week and three days. I was thirteen years old, end of seventh grade.


I met Kakashi through my friend Lilly, and we only knew each other on discord. I had added him, because Lilly showed him a picture of me at the time(I said it was fine) or something like that, and he wanted to add me.

I added him and we got to know each other before he asked me out like two days later. I said yeah, because why would I want to hurt someone's feelings by saying no? I got with him, and I will admit, he kind of turned it into one of those roleplay relationships and thats all he ever wanted to do, roleplay.

If I got a message from him he always turned it sexual and tried to had a roleplay, a very sexual roleplay, with me. It was such a awkward experience that I hope no one else ever has had to go through.

One day though, he decided to grow a pair of balls and ask me to send him some nudes. I was for the thousandth time flabbergasted by the person I was dating. I obviously tried to push the subject away and not talk about it, but he was persistent, so I said no and that was it.

A day or two later after that happened, I broke up with him because all he wanted was fake sex and my nudes, no thanks. I said what I had to say, and he said he understood. we went our sperate ways after that.. Or so I thought at least.

I was a month or two later and he messaged me saying that he still likes me and he wants me back, he said he was "sorry for everything." And the funniest part was the fact he said, "I was young and stupid back then." It had been only a few months..

I told him no, and that I had a significant other at the time. He didn't care and he wanted to date me still. He even told me to leave the person I was with, the nerve of this guy. I obviously said hell nah, and was telling my partner all about what was happening. We laughed at him together, wish I could say I felt bad for doing so.

I asked him if he wanted to talk to my significant other, and he wouldn't answer the question but instead he decided to tell me I was toxic as hell and shouldn't be telling my partner that he wants to date him.

I cried from laughter, I sincerely am not sorry.


489 Words

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