First Day Of Work

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 This is back to Arista's POV.



Man, this sucks. I thought endlessly while I was sweeping the floor with an unending dread creeping up me as I saw just how much more there was to be done in Ms. Frilore's library. Yes, I can talk sophisticatedly.

I boringly slowly brush the broom across the hard black Oak wood at the entrance. I glance at the clock, waiting for my break, groaning, as I see I still have five minutes of work to do.

Now, you're probably thinkin' "Ari, if you love workin there so much, then why is it such dread for you today?" Well, that, would be because she told me that When I'd get back, she'd tell me a secret, which I've been dyin' to know.

When the clock finally ticks to a break I fist pump the air and drop the broom. Running for the door, I come to a stop when I realize I need to clean up the broom. With a groan, I turn around to do so, but the room was already against the wall.

Huh? How'd that happen? Oh, well.

Running for the door again and running outside. I see Ms. Frilore sipping her tea as I was bent panting on my knees. Wow, I seriously need to start walking instead of flying. Phew!

"You. Explain. Now." I say as I point at her accusingly, still panting. "Whatever do you mean, dear?" "Don't you 'dear' me, you know exactly what I'm talkin' about!" She sighs, looking back out at the sea front as I stand normally again. "You know, Ari, this job is also about patience." "Well, then you picked the wrong person because the last thing I am is patient." I chuckle as I plop down on the armchair next to her.

She chuckles softly as well, but ends up as a sigh. "Ari, I'm trusting you with a secret I've kept with me for ages." She says softly. I nod for her to continue.

Ms. Frilore was walking around her town. Holding her head down at the glares and scared stares, as a soft and sad melody played in the back of her mind.

"You see, Ari, not everyone was happy with something new and strange." "Why not? We are known for freedom, for everyone." "Not where I come from."

She was pushed into the muddy, dirty ground as children her age pushed her down. Frowning sadly at the tares in her new bought dress. Tears brimmed her glassed eyes as the children laughed.

"I was never one of them." 

Little Ms. Frilore ran away from the other children and to the docks. Her bag hitting her hip bone as she ran through the crowds of staring people.  

"And everyone knew it..."

She burst into tears as she collapsed at the edge of the docks.  Her glasses slipping of her face and into the water before she could catch them. She burst out into tears once more as she saw her glasses drift away.

As the rain started pouring down, her tears started to stop. "But I kept moving on anyway."

The little girl looked at the reflection on the water, not recognizing the girl in front of her. She was told she was weird, ugly, stupid, fat and a monster, she wasn't used to being actually. . . Pretty.

The young girl took off her shoes and dived down into the chilly water for her glasses. She peered around for her lost essentials, slightly smiling once finding them unharmed on a rock. She swim farther down and grabbed them, heading to the surface again.

"I found hope even when there wasn't any."

She smiled at seeing them again. Slipping them on her face gently after wiping them with a handkerchief.

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