"Fire and Water don't mix."

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This'll be an interesting chapter. At least, I intend for it to be.

Hope you enjoy~


~~~~~~~~-Karean's POV-~~~~~~~~


That's the sound it made when I dropped my keys onto the counter and hung up my coat on the hanger.

It's been unnaturally warm here in The Water Tribe. Barely above freezing temperatures. We haven't had it this warm since I was six, and I'm seventeen... so...

Yup, eleven years.

I stick my hands into my back pockets as I make my way to the kitchen, giving Quaris and Sanja a kiss.

I introduce to you, my two little siblings. Twins. Only three years old. I have two more siblings. My older brother Kassin and my younger brother: Zane. I believe you already met Kassin at the meeting. Sorry, correction, our 'own' meeting.

Zane and I are very much alike. We both hate bullies and love reading. I'd say that I get along with him the best.

Things have been tough for us ever since mom died. She died from a winter storm. She didn't know about the winter storm alert until she was already all the way out there.

That's when it hit her. She died from the cold. The whole town searched for her, and once they found her, her skin was pale blue and frozen.

A terrible sight for a fifteen year old.

Quaris and Sanja were only one year old when mom died. I'm lucky to have known her, fore they never will.

Dad took it really hard, just like all of us, but we're moving on. We have it good. Our own cozy, spacious cottage. Our family. Our love.

Our own business.

The only thing I'd change about my life would be her. The girl that's tormented me for no reason.


Tina was even worse than Corrine.

I don't know what it is that I did to her, but she hates me. Which makes me think back to Ari, and smile. Which makes me think back to the meeting, and frown. Which makes me think back at Fox, and groan.

Ugh, that Fox is so Foxy. And yes, pun intended.

I face my siblings and ask. "Hæ krakkar, hvernig var dagurinn ykkar í dag?" "góður." "það er gott." I say. I grab some bread and butter, putting it on and some marmalade. Once I'm done, I give Quaris the Blueberry marmalade bread and Sanja the Orange.

They seem happy and say thank you in Vatnsmikið. So cute. Sanja and Quaris can only say a few sentences, so it's adorable when they use it for something like that. I give them one more kiss before rushing upstairs to my bedroom. I take off my shoes as I slump down on my dark blue bed.

I look up at the ceiling and smile at the glow stars that still stick up there. Because it's so cold, we have an incredible view of the stars. But these were put up by my mother, so their more magical to me than real stars.

I hated the fact that I couldn't get a certain hot head out of my head for the past week. What is it about him?! I don't even like him! He's infuriating! I don't do relationships. I've made that decision already.

Besides, how would someone even want me with my self confidence issues? It'd be a waste of time.

I hear a buzz on my phone and smile at the idea of it being Ari. She's the only friend I have, so I really need her. But what I get instead was a message from an unknown. I look at my phone confusedly before opening up the message.

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