Stargazing Is My New Thing

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  Hope you enjoy~


Wow, this is dreadful and just plain sad at this point. I think as I roll around in the bed for the millionth time tonight. Strangely, Brownie's and mine conversation kept me awake. I'd known the boy for a month now, and he already got me stayin' up late thinking about him. Why? Oh, why god?! Why did this have to happen to me?! I'm no fool, I know that I have just the slightest chance to be a tinsy, itsy, bitsy, bit falling for him. That does not mean anything! Okay?! It could just be hormones, I mean, my period is slightly late so....

What is wrong with me? Why do I suddenly notice every detail he does and has? Like how when he smiles I see the small dimples his cheeks have. Or how, when he turns a 180 away from the sun, his eyes are the darkest and shiniest green. How his eyebrows bush up and narrow when I annoy him, or when he cranes his head back as I see that distinctive flat, skin colored mole close to his collar bone. Or how his pupils dilated when we got a little too close on his side of the border. His one left eyebrow has the smallest of scar on it. His lips were tender and looked smooth, but they become chapped after sucking too much Air in. 

His eyes light up when he talks about his family or about what he enjoys. His famous smirk shows a one sided dimple that looked different than from the other one. His luscious locks seem to be a brunette brown when they're actually warm black brown. His eyes look like emeralds in the sun when in truth, they're a dark forest green. And if you're wondering if I'm a stalker. It's called observing, people. Fortunately, I was always discreet when it came to observing. It was a habit I had gained from a young age. Which made my IQ pop up higher than others. I rather chose to observe than just do right away. After I was sure I had observed enough, I would then do. Unfortunately, this made me a little bit of the weirdo of the school. See, while everyone went on a crazy rampage, screaming that they want big, fat, happy babies and doing the hula, I sat there, studying as I was told and stayed quiet.

My other classmates never respected my teachers while I did nothing but. I would just sit there and do my research, minding my own business. But as one day the teasing from everyone continued- mainly talkin' about Eva here, someone helped me. That someone skated in from a skateboard and tore- literally- Eva away from me, throwing comebacks until Eva backed off. You see, that was in daycare/elementary. And it was that day that I met Uga. Uga, was the one that saved me from the devil that day. And while Uga and I were more opposite, we clicked immediately.

After I met Uga, I rushed to introduce her to Adam, my best friend since before daycare. After they were introduced, we spent the whole summer together, seeing each other every day. The bond grew over the summer, and when it was time to start school again, the three of us walked in, hand in hand. We all were inseparable since. No one dared try to bully Uga or Adam. Uga, because she was a Badass since she was born, and Adam because he's always been the schools golden boy. While I, I was the weird one. 

You see, no matter how much Uga and Adam were by my side, it didn't stop the bullying. The notes and harassing only increased. Until one day, it took it to a whole new level. Middle school.

I was walking along the halls as any normal day, before I was grabbed roughly and flung into a closet. I screamed and kicked, but my attacker blocked out the noise by their hands. They locked the door and laughed behind it. I screamed, kicked and cried louder and louder, yet no one heard me. I stayed in there for hours, crying and crying. When the bell rang, I screamed louder, but no one heard me. That, or they did it on purpose. 

Throughout the entire rest of the evening I screamed and kicked against the door. I cried harder and harder as I had multiple panic attacks. 

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