It's A Scorpio Thing. It's A Aries Thing

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Just to warn you, Luke will be a bit of a jerk in this one.

Thanks for reading.


I'm not sure this is a good idea. I think to myself as I stay behind a tree, watching around cautiously to make sure no one sees the crying long lost couple.

After Luke told me that Artwel had a heart attack, and needed my help to fix it, we met at the border. Diane insisted she came along, wanting to meet the love of her life again after such long years. I can't blame her, honestly. But it was still risky.

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that Luke was with me. Ignoring me.

I stare at him, clearly pissed off by his stupid attitude. Both of us were having a stare down, although he refused to say anything to me. I don't understand, why was he being such a pig all of a sudden? What the heck is going on with him? He is being such a pig. I glare at him, still makin' sure no one saw the couple behind us. I don't even know how we both ended up behind the same tree, on the same part of the border.

His side.

It was easy to glare, since there wasn't any far proximity. Actually, there wasn't any proximity. I think to myself again as I look at the giant male in front of me. The giant male that was a foot away from me. His breath hit my face, making me shiver, but I refused a blush to take over as the two of us continued to glare.

This is hella awkward.

It kinda was. I mean, we were waiting for the two elderly people to stop kissing and talk to us. And it was also awkward that we were just staring at each other without saying anything. It was safe to say that it annoyed the heck out of me.

Unable to take the stupid silence anymore, I speak up, saying. "Would you quit ignoring me!? What is wrong with you?! Why are you acting this way?!" I ask, more like screech, as I stare up at him with slight fury. He just stares down at me, breathing heavier than before, still not answerin' my question. "Would you quit acting so childish!?" He still didn't say anything, just glaring more heavily down at me. His arms crossed as I stare up at him with big eyes. I couldn't understand it, why was he ignoring me? What is wrong? I thought we were friends! "Wow, you really are a boy." I seethe, the hurt in my heart betraying my voice. His eyes soften as soon as he hears it, hardening again as soon as possible. He glares harder as he realizes what I called him, that familiar growl rumbling out of his throat. "At least I got some kind of noise out of you." I shrug, trying not to smirk in amusement. He immediately stops growling, realizing what he just did, and blinking dumbfounded down at me. I snort, amused at his dumbfounded face, which immediately turns into a glare the second he hears me snort.

I stop my smile as a shallow looks falls on my face. His demeanor changes so quickly, I swear, it's confusing as hell. I can't believe I'm even meeting with this guy! Only a month ago I was ready to chop his head off! Now I'm ready to ki... I am not finishing that sentence. "Wow, the great earth bender Luke Rine is acting childish through ignoring me. Wonderfully mature." I fake clap, giving him the deadliest glare in the world. I stop it, both of us still glaring a stare down, neither of us moving. It was a moment awkward, and by awkward I mean AWKWARD. I mean, the kissing sounds from behind us weren't exactly helping making it less tense. Luke looked like he was ready to kill me by mocking him. What is it with men and their pride? I always do stupid stuff, and look stupid too! It's my nature being a goofy idiot. What's so terrible about mocking someone who's acting childish? Adam and Uga always mock me. Of course, there is a fine line between mocking someone once or twice playfully, or bullying. Trust me, from experience, I know that line. "Dear, god, I understand why you're a Scorpio; you are hella stubborn. Would've made even more sense if you were a Taurus." He doesn't glare at me harder, and instead, raises a eyebrow. I could see the clear amusement in them, which he was trying to hide. Ha! Fat chance! I have eagle eyes.... except when I slammed into that tree.... twice... but we don't mention that!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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