Borderline Duty. Again.

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Hope you enjoy~


Man, now I know what dread feels like. I say to myself as I walk towards my 'post' where I'd been drenched along the way. Seriously, I'm drenched-drenched. Badly. This is already turning out great! Note the sarcasm. Don't get me wrong, I love the rain. It's just not great when you have a annoyed attitude.

I walk over as I raise my hood more above my head. They weren't pricks and decided to give us new uniform, or "armor". I was grateful, really. I was wearin' black leggings with a button up tight vest which was a gray brown. I had combat boots on. A belt around my thighs and hips with small leather pockets, and a large black, mysterious looking cape/coat with a hood. Oh, yeah, I also carried a gun. 

To be honest? I was killing this look! I mean heck ya! Whoop whoop! Yes! Finally! Mysterious clothing! Man, I really am weird. What is wrong with me? 

When I reach my post, I head straight for left. I started cursing in Fánach as slight- just slight! Intrigue... washed over me at the thought of seeing a certain Earth bender again. Was he going to be there? Well, he did text me and tell me he will be. God, I can't believe I'm talking to that dirt head. What am I doin'!? This is illegal! Okay, new plan!

Avoid him at all costs because you're a coward! 

Yeah, sounds about right. I roll my eyes as I continue to think deeply in my thoughts, causing me to not pay attention to my surroundings. "Ow! Oof!" And crashing on my bum I go as I slam into the SAME TREE as before! "Again?! Oh, come on!" I shout while throwing my arms down and just lie there in the wet grass. But wait, if I'm already here, then that means-

I shoot up to my feet and stare at the border, looking for a curly brunette boy who, lets admit it, was the handsomest in the world. However, there was no one there. Just the quiet stream with the sound of rain splashing against it.

Wow, I'd be too easy to just jump straight over th- nope! 

I stop myself from finishing that sentence before I get tempted. I stare instead at what I can see so far. Their trees were smaller than ours, but there were way more! It was a thick jungle. And it looked tropical. How is it that we're severed by just a small stream but have totally different ecosystems? Just how? That's not scientifically possible.

I sit criss-cross as I stare intently at the other part of the stream. There was a lot of prairie, as far as I could see. The thick jungle intrigued me as I swear I saw something whooshing past. I gasp, shooting to my feet and hide behind the tree. 

Dead. Silence.

The only sound was the stream, the rain, and some birds. I stare intently at the other side of the stream and even though I couldn't see it, I knew someone was staring back as well. Shivers shot up my spine as a dark creeping feeling settled into my core. I could feel someone's gaze on me, inspectin' me. They were testin' me. Daring me to make the first move.

My breath got caught in The Air as I felt afraid. Yes, for once since I had this duty, I felt afraid. I had known Luke for over three weeks now and our relationship hasn't exactly improved, what if he tries to murder me? Or worse, torture me into telling him everything- ok, I have got to stop reading murder mysteries. Seriously. 

After a few more seconds of terrifying silence, the feeling stopped. I wasn't watched anymore. I breathe a heavy sigh of relief as I try to stop the heavy beating of my heart hammering against my chest. I walk out from behind the tree and sit down again.

I look at the intriguing forest as I tugged my hood down. Letting the rain fall down on my hair. It was then that I realized that, every time, I saw Bolder Brain, my hair was always somehow bound or tied together. Well, except at the last border check. I had my hair free that day, just tucked behind my ears.

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