The Four Lands Peace Pact

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These are their outfits. 



I tug nervously at my clothing. Oh, my god, I can't believe this is happening. My mind was racing at seeing our worst enemy and their allies. 'At least Karean will be there'

That was a upside, yes. Karean, except for my dad, is the only one I know there. The council doesn't exactly let anyone else come with them. I was curious, excited, determined and absolutely ready-to-pee terrified.

Mostly terrified.

My mind raced at all the opportunities of what could go wrong. 'I could die! Barbecued or buried alive! And I didn't even get to finish my crossword puzzle!'. I stopped myself at that thought because I really need to calm down and not get ahead of myself.

Calm down, Ari. This could be the chance of peace we've waited for so long now.

Another part of me was terrified that I might mess things up. Me! Innocent little me! Okay, sure, I always smuggle Uga and Adam into the house at night. I rant the candy pantry when I'm not suppose to. I peek into my Christmas gifts. And I return library books too late. But on the bright side, I work there now! Discount!

But those are all tiny things! They barely count. Just then, my phone buzzed. 

Yay, I have friends! Did I seriously just say that? Please, no. 

#Mermaid: you ready?

#Fairy: no. Am I suppose to?

#Mermaid: no, so you're all good!

#Fairy: gee, I wonder why that's not comforting.

#Mermaid: suck it up, Fairy. 

#Fairy: meany... 😢.

#Mermaid: LOL.

#Fairy: 🙄. See you on the battle field.

#Mermaid: good luck, Ulanti.

#Fairy: good luck, Katack.

We stop texting at that as a fierce and determined look makes its way on my face. But that immediately dropped when I heard multiple buzzes.

Gee, I wonder who that could be?

#imtheboss: seriously? How does that make a difference!?

#ILOVECAKE: I swear it does! 

Yup, TOTALLY didn't expect that.

#imtheboss: I don't see how leaving your socks in the dryer one minute longer makes them more absorbent.

#ILOVECAKE: it does! Their all dry and need to be filled up with moisture! So they suck up the sweat a lot easier!

#imtheboss: that makes... surprisingly sense...


#imtheboss: but that doesn't mean it's true.

#ILOVECAKE: ever heard of something called a common sense?

#imtheboss: ever heard of something called a brain? Cause you could use one.

#ILOVECAKE: you're so mean! Ari! She's bullying me!

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