The Autumn Dance (prt. 2)

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Enjoy, Enjoy~


Previously, on Separated By A Stream.


"Look, Ari, you'll do great. You're gonna have a great time. I know it." My heart started beating faster at his words, as I felt a tiny blush start to form.


I don't understand how someone like him doesn't have a date. "Look, I know I didn't ask in advance, or something, but... well, I heard you didn't have a date, so I was wondering.... if you wanted to go with me?" I visibly tensed at the question. Going to the dance with Arthur? That felt odd. Not only odd, but it was a weird image in my mind.


She says, taking a step back and tearing her wrists free from his grasp. "You knew how important this night was to me! I told you to match me! I told you I'd wear a red dress! I would've been okay with the white suit but I would've appreciated a red tie!" She says loudly. 


"You know, I was wrong, you're not the best! You're not my best friend if you hide things like that from me!" I stare at her. My mind finding it hard to process her words as I stare at a fuming Uga. She doesn't mean that, she can't mean that. "You don't mean that."


Arthur sticks his hand out, shaking it. "Pleasure doin business with you." Eeran chuckles again and fixes his tie. "I could say the same to you...

Dear cuz."


What the hell is going on here? And how do I get out of it? I watch as Arthur glares at Eeran and Eeran right back. Pigs! 

I glare at the two men as I they glare at each other. Why did you put men like them on this earth, Odin? I roll my eyes, slowly moving away from them and walking back. I couldn't believe this, but I could at the same time. Wow, Uga dated a pig, and I was almost fooled by one. I'm making sure to stay away from people who are related to Opanara. I slowly walk through the halls, making my way as far away as possible. What happened with Uga and Adam immediately shooting into my mind as I reach the hall where she walked away.  I take in deep shaky breaths as I skid to the bathroom, my leather scandals clicking at the floor as I sprint quickly. Just before I open the door, I realize my bag and jacket was still in the Gym. Cursing underneath my breath, I rush back to the entrance of the hall and run back in. Ignoring all the knowing stares from everyone, I rush over to where my jacket and bag was. Relief engraving me as I see it's still there. I grab it quickly and rush out of the room again. 

I run out of the gym and down the hall, to the bathroom. I quickly close the door, a shaky breath escaping me as I quiver for breath. There was only one number I could call to calm myself down. With a quivering lip, and tears that threatened to escape, I clicked on the number. Saying silent pleas to my phone in hopes that he'll answer. 

After a few more rings, the phone picks up. "Princess?" Someone says gruffly on the other side of the phone. With a still shaky breath, a mix of hiccup and gasp escaped me as I answered. "L-Luke?" I could hear shuffling on the other end of the phone as a sharp intake of breath shoots past my lips. "Ari? Is everything okay? What's wrong?" Not being able to hold it in anymore a sob escapes me. The events of tonight all coming back to me in fizzles, making it overwhelming at the speed. "What happened? Are you okay?!" "N-no... it's Uga. H-her boyfriend- he's a pig. He used her. And my o-other best friend, Adam, he's in love with Uga. It escalated into a huge fight, and Uga's mad at me, Adam is in the principles office, Eeran, Uga's b-boyfriend, is beaten up, I'm all alone here, my last second date is also a pig, as it turns out, and I- I don't know what to d-do. I'm sorry, I-I just didn't know who else to c-call. I didn't want to ruin my parents date night." It was silent for about two seconds on the other side of the phone. 

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