The Alliance.

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The young adult skeleton entered the world to face... Across him was another skeleton he hadn't seen in quite a long time. Uncertain about their motives, he tries to question them. Although their answers were nothing but showing amusement at his attempts to negotiate. 

A yellow bright light shines behind him, the young adult skeleton turns slightly to the left and meets the gaze of the other skeleton wearing yellow clothes. They nod to each other, a way of telling that: they are on the same side. Weapons readied the two tried to start a conversation but again, led to nothing. The fight began and quickly fighting styles mixed. The young adult saw three distant figures from afar watching but conversed in the fight he brushed it off and focused.


"Waah!" The portal opens as Ink let out a big sigh and carelessly sits on the ground. "That was one of a battle!" 

Dream joins him and nods, "Very, but we should worry about our wounds first." Ink meets his eyes, his yellow worried eyes stared back. ''Let me help you.''

''Shouldn't you care for yourself first?'' Ink questions aloud and Dream lowers his eyes guilty. Ink tilts confused at his reaction.

''Well...'' Dream fiddles with his hands, ''I didn't do much honestly, I stayed behind while you fought the two upfront. You should be treated first when compared.'' 

Ink pouts, ''You did a lot too even if it didn't look so at first glance!'' Ink grabs Dream's hand with both of his hands. ''Geez, aren't you the positive one? Or are you secretly Nightmare?'' Ink gets up close and glares. Dream giggles softly and pushes Ink away.

''Okay, okay, you're right. Still, let me help you first.'' Ink obeys his word, Dream focuses his magic on Ink's wounds until healed. While the healing Ink took his time to observe his surroundings. The two are above ground and in the distance, you could see the city and even further mountains. The city's lights looked like stars from afar. Ink quietly smiles at the beauty of it. The sun was already down but that made the city even more beautiful. At those moments of peace he appreciates everything the creators made, their creativity is beyond anything Ink could imagine. That's why he wants to protect it, it's something precious and fragile.

That's why his title is the Protector, though some might call him the Creator. Ink didn't like that label, he is no creator and not close to being a creator. Although if so-called he'll accept it since he understands it's because he represents the creators in the Multiverse. Ink turns back his attention to Dream who is healing himself. Ink looks at his sleeves and clothes. Lots of cuts and torn off. Dream fortunately didn't get hurt as badly as Ink did. But who got the worst of it all is Ink's scarf while dodging his scarf got cut. Ink summons his broom and fixes his clothes until Dream was fully healed.

Dream was healed up and turns to Ink who laying on the ground, Dream frowns but doesn't comment. ''I'm done healing.'' Dream says and Ink sits up straight, smiling and Dream returns one back. The suspense in the air fades. When relaxing the two felt how tired they really were. Ink was the first to disrupt the silence.

''The fighting patterns are something to get used to.'' Ink admits, ''Though we do have an upper-hand thanks to our fighting style.'' Dream nods.

''Yes! Though the pure coincidence that we came at the same time is slightly strange...'' Ink didn't give much thought to it, he shrugs. For him, it was all a play of luck and chance. And today he got lucky with Dream there. Again there was silence between them, both felt the soft ruffling of the wind whiffle through their clothes. 

''I wonder the reason why Nightmare and Error teamed up. An alliance that I haven't expected at all.'' Ink says and Dream lets out a soft 'yes'. ''I wonder what of their ideals made them team up.''

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