Chapter One

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A loud ringing followed by cursing wakes me up. A few minutes later, my sister is in front of my couch, staring down at me. Her dark brown waves fall over her shoulder, and she looks dishevelled and annoyed. Her brown eyes glare at me. I forgot to take my alarm clock over here and left it beside my bed where she slept. She won't forgive me for that, for the whole morning. I sit up and take my alarm clock. I wanted to apologise for my mistake, but she interrupted me.

"Don't. I will get ready to meet Apollo, and I want you not to bother me." I know I can be annoying, but she is overly harsh. I stand up, looking at my phone. It is six in the morning, not even that early, either. I eat breakfast while she takes a shower and dresses.

Why is she dressed up like that? I look at her, and she is wearing one of my oversized dress shirts as a minidress, holding it in place with one of my belts. I don't mind her going through my dresser because we grew up together, but I didn't expect her to lend something from me. Or stealing? I should take a good look at my things before I never see them again. I go to her to tell her that she should take another belt.

"Don't I look gorgeous? I remembered you have long shirts, and the light brown belt perfectly matches my high heels. It is an incredible outfit." My heart softens. "Maybe he thinks I look bad." Her mood abruptly changes. I take her face and kiss her on the forehead.

"There is no woman more beautiful than my little sister. He will love you." I laugh as she wipes her forehead with a sullen expression. I let go of her with a delighted grin showing.

"You only say that because you have no taste and are gay." I step back and hold my heart, acting as if someone had stabbed me there.

"Oh, no! The hurt, my poor feelings." I got down on my knees, and she starts to laugh. I knew it would make her feel better when I act a bit silly around her. She is always straightforward and harsh with people close to her and herself. I like to see her happy without worries. "Who is this Apollo?" A guy named after a god is more than suspicious.

"He is the blond man you saw yesterday. We understood each other so well that we decided to meet today." Not him. I would love her to go out again, but not this guy. "Oh, apropos, please get my things and use violence if you have to." She gives me a wicked smile as she hands me her door keys. She stops right at my door. "And please look at apartments close here for me. You have all the connections in this area." I give her a thumbs up, and she finally leaves. I was dreading she would remember ten more things to tell me to do for her.

I dress in my work clothing and style my short, light brown hair. It is shaved at the sides and the back. I have to brush the top to the sides or back to get them out of my face. I prefer to spend only a little bit of time on my appearance. I care how I look, but I dont want to take hours just to look passable. 

I take my bag to my car and drive to William and Penelope's apartment. Only thinking about his name drags my mood. Maybe I should follow her advice and use violence. Sadly, I am not a violent person. But if there is someone who deserves it, it's him.

I unlock the door of their apartment. William sat at the dining table and looks more than surprised by my presence. I wave at him and close the door behind me. Pulling my sister's clothing out of the wardrobe will take a while. I take a good look around and bag everything from her lying around. William jogged to me, angry as always.

"What are you doing?" His face was so red he might even glow in the dark. I hold back a laugh while I imagine that thought.

"I am taking my sister's things. You broke up." I shrug and continue. She had barely any things around the house, so I didn't have to search too much. William doesn't like to see her things. I got her giant suitcase from the wardrobe and put all her stuff in it.

Loving Hades - Olympus Chronicles OneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang