Chapter Six

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[Reader discretion advised: NSFW (skip "I follow him.." paragraph to avoid sex scene)]

I throw myself into the car seat and thank Hades for opening the door for me. I am filled with joy. My chest feels tight, as if there isn't enough space for all the delight in me. I stretch myself to loosen it. The taste of the cake is still lingering on my tongue. It was delicious. I wish it would stay forever. Hades joins me in the car, and I close my eyes and give him the brightest unnatural smile I could manage. My face is not able to reveal how happy I feel, so I give it everything I have.

"What do you think about a little get-to-know game?" I usually would not do something like that because I prefer to get to know someone naturally without a questionnaire. But I am in a silly, playful mood and want to give in to it.

"What do you have in mind?" Victory. He will play.

"We ask each other questions we think are fun. Like the questions they use in Speeddating." At least what the movies say they ask. Does he even watch any movies? I guess so when he listens to music and consumes human media. Do gods have their own shows?

"So you would consider this a date?" He asks seriously. I pull up my eyebrows. Is he interested in it being a date, or does he think I am interested in this being a date? 

Would I even consider going on a date with him? Yes. 

Do I think he is attractive? Yes.

Would I date him? Unsure.

Do we even work together? Unsure.

So yes, I would be interested in one. Which I am not going to admit. I am not looking for someone. Especially not a god, who will immediately leave after he has what he wants. Whatever that may be.

"I consider it a meeting of open interpretation. Now I will ask you something. What is your biggest pet peeve?" I quickly ask him to move on with it and not linger on whether this is a date or not.

"People that don't use their blinker when they switch lanes." He said it as so a matter of fact that I almost chuckled.


"Yes. They are the worst kind of people. I have a special place for them in my realm." I believe him that he punishes everyone who cuts in front of him with their car without blinking.

"What is the absurdest thing you have done because of love?" I did not expect such a question from Hades. But my life has been unspectacular in that matter. But I feel like sitting in a car and playing get-to-know games with a god is the absurdest thing I have done because of being interested in someone. I am careful with throwing the word love around. I have never loved another person that isn't family.

"Forgiving someone for locking me into a room when I considered breaking up. My girlfriend was too jealous, and I didn't feel I could handle something like this. Guilt kept me way too long in that relationship. I broke up a week after that, though." Everyone has bad experiences like this. I gave way too many second chances, but I am glad that it was clean when I cut her off. Hades looks unconfident.

"I have a history of trapping someone." He confessed in an honest tone, not glossing over it. I forgot about it. Persephone, his wife. It made me feel out of place in his car.

"Did you really capture her and make her your wife?"


"Oh." I blurt out. I expected another answer for whatever reason. My throat feels tight. "Is she still captured?"

"No." Hades grabs the steering wheel, feeling uncomfortable. I would like to change the topic, but this is important to me.

"That means?"

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