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around 100 years later

I throw my towel after Thanatos, but he doesn't dodge. He doesn't care about a lot of things and just ignores them, just like the wet towel. 

"I will tell Hades that you behave badly. You can't treat humans like that." I warn him. "Leave the living alone." I have to do this at least once a week. He is like a child that he doesn't understand when he does something wrong.

"I just talk with them." He said, mumbling.

"You talk with them and then tell them how they will die. It unsettles humans. They get scared and then tell others." He avoids my gaze. He doesn't like to listen to me, but he has to because of Hade's wrath.

"I will make you an offer. I will do your tasks for a time, guide the dead, and you take a break. Then I expect you to be on your best behaviour." Thanatos looks up.

"It is a deal." He says it so halfhearted that I almost think he doesn't care about it. A glint in his eyes betrays him.

"Good, you have to make yourself drinks now. I will visit someone."

"No need to be so secretive. Everyone knows it is Hades when you say, someone."

"I was talking about Persephone."

"You were not." He says flat.

"I was not." I grin. It will always be Hades when I say, someone.

Hades and I hug each other, and we dance to a vinyl of David Bowie. This is how I started to like him. This opened the door for us.

"Are you in the mood Hades?" I kiss him, and his lips feel soft. Our kiss is rougher and more demanding.

"I am." I push Hades onto the table and kiss his throat after his answer.

I changed a bit, but I think I improved myself. I focus more on myself, but I still intervene with others and help them. It is my call as a god to do so. Hades and I have a splendid relationship. We spend as much time together as we can. We live together and share our spaces. I never imagined living such a life. Even everyday life doesn't affect us. We do not get bored of each other. We are just happy.

Loving Hades - Olympus Chronicles OneWhere stories live. Discover now