Chapter Eight

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Hecate locked me into a bedroom, and nobody came to me for days. I expected to starve or dehydrate, but I felt indifferent to my surprise. I slept on the huge bed and stared at the wall out of boredom. The room has nothing besides a bed and two small night tables. The floor is obsidian, and the walls look like black marble with golden lines. I started to count the lines on the wall to keep my mind busy after I noticed there was no sense in counting the time when I stopped somewhere. There are no windows and only a black door. I have no chance to leave this room. Not having a clock or sunlight made me lose my sense of time quicker than I thought. I like to be alone but must be occupied with something during that time. Bored like this, my mind carries me to places I do not want to be.

I will never try to help my sister again. She is old enough to deal with the consequences of her actions alone. If she wants to trust Apollo blindly, I will let her. If she comes to me for help, I will help her. But I will not intervene with anything anymore. I was indeed a true idiot. I ruined whatever lovely thing I had with Hades. I didn't expect anything, but I cut our time short. Now he is angry and disappointed, rightfully so. I am still worried because of Phobos and Deimos, but I tell myself that it isn't my business. I need to look after myself. I got enough issues. The sound of my door unlocking pulls me out of my thoughts, and I see Hades standing there. I almost jump up from the bed but keep myself together and walk to Hades. I take his face between my hands.

"Do you hate me?" I blurt out.

"No. I only hate what you did." Now that I look at him, I am sure he can be exhausted. Hades looks incredibly tired. I hug him and hold him close for a few minutes. "I promised you to communicate," Hades says in a low tone. I can't tell what his emotions are.

"I will not mess with any of my sister's business anymore. I would promise you, but my word means nothing." I try my best not to sound desperate. I would swear to do anything right now. It comes easier because I am happy to see Hades, but I am not far from begging.

"You said you would tell her if anything happens. I should have known better than just sending you home and acting as if Eros didn't unsettle you. He and his brothers won't do Penelope any harm. There is no danger." I trust Hades when he says it in such an honest tone. "The only problem is that you are stuck here. You gave me your life." He reminds me of my deal. I did not want to be reminded.

"I am sure we will find a solution." I kiss him, but he stops me after a short kiss. He looks troubled and not in the mood for anything.

"You don't understand. Humans don't come here alive. You died. Zeus doesn't let me give lives back. But you can stay here as long as you want. With me." I feel like I hit my head against one of the marble walls.

"Hades, we talked about this. No jokes." I laugh a bit, but his words make me nervous. I am aware that he isn't joking. But I wish I would be more naive and believe it is only a joke. He places his warm hand on my shoulder. "But my sister and my friends. I couldn't do everything I wanted." Hades took me into his embrace.

"I expected you to be angry."

"I can't. I am too overwhelmed."

"You perished as soon as you were alone. Your sister will find your body as soon as she returns home. She will take your words more seriously, seeing you there after warning her. I hope that it was worth it for you. At least you don't have to worry about a coin for the ferryman." He calmly talks about it as if it is not something terrible. "Death isn't something terrible for the person who died. Only the people left behind struggle with it most of the time. I won't let this be scary for you." His voice is low, almost a whisper. He says exactly what I need to hear.

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