Chapter Seven

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A terrible sound wakes me up, and I look around in panic. Hades is still asleep on my chest, not fazed by the sound. I nudge him a bit. He mumbles something inaudible and takes his phone, where the sound is coming from. He holds it way too close to my ear before he shuts it off.

"Just my alarm." He stands up, and as I look at him, he is in his usual suit. This one is not exactly the same. It is dark blue with a black shirt. At least a bit of change.

"Neat trick. Can you do the same for me?" I didn't take anything with me and would appreciate a fresh set of clothes.

"Of course." I get out of bed so he can do his wonders, but I am already in my light blue straight jeans, wearing my basic white shirt and white sneakers. Those are my clothes. Hades is incredible. It is so effortless for him to do things like this that I don't even notice him doing anything at all.

"Do you also have a magic toothbrush?" I ask him, making my way to the bathroom. I open the cabinet and see an opened package with another toothbrush. It is my favourite colour. Yellow. "I am devastated. I was already excited for more powers."

"Sorry to disappoint you." His hair is up in his usual man bun. He hands me the toothpaste after he uses it, and I do the same. We stand shoulder to shoulder and brush our teeth together. We are acting way too familiar with each other, but I enjoy it a lot.

"Do you have a razor up your sleeve by chance?" He did not laugh. He is more serious than yesterday but in no way cold. He acts more normal now.

"You look great with bread stubble. Leave it like this." I push my hair back and look at myself in the mirror. It doesn't look bad, so I will just leave it as he said. I take a step towards him and kiss him. He leans into the kiss, and it reassures me a lot. There are no hard feelings, but it wasn't just fun either. We are acting like lovers. I would like to be his lover. If we don't provoke fights on purpose, we get along excellently.

We sit together in the corner of the room with our breakfast in front of us. I choose bread with cherry jam and water. He just drinks a black coffee. It is peaceful until a man with shoulder-length wavy blond hair sits at our table with a charming smile.

"You guys reek." He states in a pleasant voice as if he just made us a compliment. I stop chewing at his statement and look at him. He looks at me with kind brown eyes. I can't hide how confused I am and just stare. Hades simply ignores him. "Eros, god of love, lust, sex. All that you know." He introduces himself and emphasises the word sex. I swallow my breakfast. So this is Eros. He is just as tall as Apollo, maybe two centimetres smaller. But Eros is just as pretty as Apollo. They look more youthful than Hades.

"Nice to meet you. I am Antonio." I want to say more, but there is nothing to add to my name. "Is there a godly deodorant I missed?" I was honest even though it sounded as if it could only be a joke. One of the most beautiful women I have ever seen joins us and sits opposite Eros.

"Don't worry. My husband can always tell." A goddess. Are they all hanging around on earth like this?

"Nice to see you, Psyche." His voice and expression are so kind and loving that it makes me feel in awe of their relationship. They are truly in love. Everyone can tell just by looking at them. "I know a lot of things about this. I can tell that you are in love with Hades." Hades ignores the comment at first, but as he looks at my face, he is sure that Eros didn't make a joke. The love god's smile is almost sly. I remember that stories say that some love gods like to tell secrets like this just for their entertainment. "I also heard about a new muse. Apollo asked her to marry her yesterday. He wants me to wed the unknowing girl to him. To make up for what he did to Psyche." My blood ran cold. Marry?

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