Chapter 3

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As the machine was on the way the snow was coming down heavier than they thought it would. Officer Toney had to make his decision and fast would they work through night or wait till morning there were pros and cons to both options. Finally he decided he had to start the operation. There were two kids stuck in there so technically their lives depended on Toney. ¨Look boys you're going to hate me but we have to start the rescue right now you heard the parents these kids are 15 & 13 we have to get them out of their.¨ Toney hated saying this but he knew it was the right decision. ¨Ok boss should I inform the parents so they can sign the legal documents?¨ ¨ We're going to start without the document. The parents were worried enough getting em out of here was already hard so we can inform them tomorrow morning.¨

      From here on the work began the machine turned on with a chime as the ground rumbled under letting dirt and rocks fall into Logan and Louise's eyes without warning. ¨What's going on?!?¨ Louise asked with a hint of concern in her voice. ¨I don't know..¨ Louise tried to ignore what was happening until she felt herself scraping the metal she sat there silently with tears rolling down her face it was hurting but she couldn't let Logan know she had a weak spot he'd never let her live it down. Logan on the other hand wasn't doing too much better his arm was in excruciating pain. A piece of metal was lodged in his arm from what he could tell he didn't wanna worry Louise but he felt like he was about to have his whole arm ripped open. Right as Louise was about to scream everything stopped. She was passing out and she guessed she was tired anyway she just kinda let herself drift off to sleep as if it was no big deal at all if only she knew. She remembered seeing her funeral. She was in a casket in a green dress with a lime green casket. Everyone was crying even though she didn't know why this was happening to her. She was scared and praying this was a dream but you can help what you don't expect.

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