Chapter 6

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      Just as the Belcher family was finishing setting up Cynthia showed up in her minivan staying inside watching the tv and the monitor examining her son the mission looked like it was going smooth sailing until they hit a rock causing the kids to scream the rocks flew in Louise and Logan's eyes and scratched them all up. Linda couldn't help but scream as she watched her child get hurt. ¨STOP¨ John yelled it was obvious they hit something but he had no idea what ¨Mark Steve go down their with a shovel and flashlight take pictures so I can see what were working with.¨ ¨Ok sure boss¨ Mark said he knew it wasn't safe to walk in a cave full of rocks but he did anyway and snapped a picture. ¨It looks like we are going to need to dig on the other side of the well. There's almost a thousand rocks we can't get through without hurting the kids." Mark stated he knew it was true they needed to start over and now the plan had to go smoothly.

The only problem was Louise had no idea what was going on. She finally screamed and Bob ran up to the monitor to comfort his child. ¨L-Louise honey are you ok??¨ Bob asked he knew it was stupid question she wasn't ok he knew that tho thats why he hurried over. ¨ No I'm not ok my body hurts¨ she muttered knowing it made no difference once so ever. ¨Ḧoney it will be ok I promise¨ Bob was trying to reassure himself more than her he didn't know if she would be ok she wasn't acting normal she was being quiet she had no idea what was happening outside the well. Logan was so annoyed his mom never checked on him and talked to him through the microphone he didn't even know if she was up there Louise didn't know her family was there until Bob talked to her a second ago.

As the mission was continuing John knew only one kid would be able to come out tomorrow and one out the next day he knew starting over was going to screw up the mission a little but he also knew it was a hasered to just get them both out today he would have people tired and possibly messing up trying to get these kids out of here. When Linda heard the news she was furious she knew Logan was on top of Louise so he would get out first and that made her blood boil. ¨When can you get her out?¨ Bob said with a sigh he knew life could never just be simple he wanted his child NOW not tomorrow but now but he knew making a fuss wouldn't help and letting LInda shouldn't be the one to talk to the officer Bob knew by the way things were going it would be a long day.

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