Chapter 5

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         After 5 hours of heavy and almost unbearable snow the mission was back on if not they knew the kids had a higher chance of getting hypothermia from the coldness of the well. They made sure to have an officer phone the parents of Louise and Logan to explain the situation and see if the parents would like to come to the well. Of course they were also on the phone with many people from in town and out trying to get more machinery to help speed the process along. As the workers were about to start the machine all the sudden a big truck that looked like a news car pulled up. ¨Great¨ John said he knew this would slow them done a whole bunch if not almost make it impossible to get these kids to hear the second thousands of people came to one of these things it was useless using high priced machinery people don't move far enough for anyone to use it. But the women got out with cameras and Microphones and started walking up. John realized this lady might just get the story and leave. It would be amazing if she would but most of the time they needed as many interviews as they could get before the rescue.

¨ Hey my name is Sadie I was wondering if I could ask you 3 questions before you resume everything?¨ ¨Look Iḿ sorry but we have to get the machinery up and running we have two kids stuck in a well that isn't exactly used to that much pressure on it if it breaks they could fall through sorry but I can't risk it.¨ The lady appeared to be writing all this down as if it was going to be the story of course she walked away and back to the truck that was a relief at least the parents wouldn't be here when the news reporter was asking questions most people don't wanna hear the possibilities of their child dying John thought until the machine started up breaking him out of his thoughts. He quietly walked over to the microphone as the others were getting their machines ready. ¨Hey Logan hey Louise guess what we can start the mission again you'll be outta their in no time with a bit of luck!¨ ¨That's great news! Logan stated followed by Louise's soft yea. 10 Minutes later every machine was started and it was time to start. John knew this was risky but he also knew he had to go ahead before the parents arrived. It was indeed an emergency.

As Linda and Bob arrived at the scene with her children they saw every machine running well this made the family have faith that today they would get their child out. ¨Ok kids let's get the food and blankets and walk to the computer.¨ Bob stated he wanted to see Louise even though it was blurry and dark he could still see her and hear her. That was enough to prove to Bob his daughter was alive and that meant the world to him in every way possible. As Tina grabbed the bag with drinks and snacks. Gene grabbed the blankets and pillows making sure to keep them off the ground. Linda grabbed the portable battery heater. It wasn't heavy at all thank god but it was 32 degrees outside so this was definitely needed. Bob finally grabbed the chairs they weren't fancy just little lawn chairs Teddy gave him to help him have somewhere to sit while they were waiting on their daughter to come up they knew setting up wouldn't take that long but still Bob grabbed the little portable stove it ran on electric but he could get that from the car if he needed to cook. Gene and Tina started setting up the chairs and blankets with the pillows along with the heater as they watched their mom and dad hook the stove up and set the food down by the screen monitor. They were 6ft from the monitor so if someone needed to they could get to it. They had to stay off school today. They couldn't think straight knowing their sister was trapped in a well.

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