Chpter 10

18 1 0

 The workers had worked all day with a lot of progress but still as they talked to Louise and Logan they realized they needed to hurry. Their was 4 inches of dirt to dig through then they could cut the medal it was already 7pm not to late but definitely not early there was news crews all around and of course the parents of the children the men started back up the machine before the boss could object if they didn't it would take at least another 15 minutes before they could get started and honestly that wasn't an option. The machine had almost dug through 2 inches of dirt in the past 20 minutes. They knew this was sketchy; they might not make it out in time but they sure did hurry. At this rate it would be 25 minutes before they would have to get off the site and let the metalsmith finish all their hard work. They were so excited to see the little girl and boy the men could only hope that they would get to them in time.

Bob and Lindao couldn't believe the news. They were sitting there with Gene and Tina not doing anything but looking at the screen they could make out the outlines of Louise. It wasn't much but at least they knew Louise was safe. But in all seriousness Linda couldn't barely see her daughter between the news crew and Cynthia and the police. It was hard to even find a spot where they could see Louise. Tina and Gene were ecstatic but couldn't help but notice the thousands of people, some were Logan's family some was the Belcher family and some were friends to people Tina couldn't recognize but it was nice that so many people cared so much to see Logan and Louise make it out of this horrifying situation.

Cynthia on the other hand was pissed she had been here all day and hadn't been given the microphone once to talk to her son. What was she supposed to do? Pretend like her son's vitals weren't low and that he could die at any given moment for Christ sakes. Tom still hadn't shown up so Cynthia's mood was already ruined but now she couldn't do it just seeing the outline of his barely moving body wasn't enough for Cynthia she needed him out.

The kids were the most excited in an hour they'd be out. They barely could hang on for that hour but they knew they had to. Louise had made it so far she couldn't give up now but the more they digged the more dark the cave got, Louise didn't like this why did this happen to her is what she wondered she tried to run away and help Logan she thought maybe just maybe if she cried harder she could wake up and be in bed and just had like a bad nightmare? But in reality she knew this was only a silly wish and it would never come true.


Final chapter will be up Tuesday. There will be a sequel to the story posted next Saturday.

Love you to the Cave and back ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt