Chapter 11

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 [1 hour later]:: All the dirt had been cleared and the metalsmith had started to cut through the medal at this rate within the next 45 minutes they would have an opening large enough to pull the children through safely! The men couldn't be more satisfied with their work. It had been the longest few days of their lives and now it would all be put to use. Everyone was ecstatic the news crew was filming the whole event with a countdown on when the metal would be ready. Of course the man's boss wouldn't stop trying to speed the process up; he was worried about the kids dying at the last moment; he wouldn't be able to live with himself. The guys didn't try to speed this up though it takes time and the metal smith really didn't want to screw up. This wasn't like most cases he's done if he fucke's up it will cost TWO CHILDREN'S lives.

Of course Linda couldn't wait she could see Louise through the screen she hadn't moved in nearly an hour Linda would assume she was dead if not for the fact when officer Alex would try to have conversations with her and she would have to answer but other than that she wouldn't move or answer this of course scared Linda and Bob to death their little girl was in their about to die he was to scared to wait for the men to get her out he needed her out now. Linda went over to Tina and Gene and hugged them. They were having a hard time with this whole situation as well.

Louise couldn't wait. Within the next hour she'd be free. She couldn't wait to sleep in her own bed and eat food and drink some soda and her back would stop hurting. They had barely survived these last few days. Louise could hear Bob and Linda talk to her and as much as she did want to answer she couldn't, her body ached. The men never stopped talking to her though and if she didn't answer they wouldn't leave her alone she was so cold and tired. She didn't want to move though she knew her entire body hurt which made the situation worse.


Note:: Thursday, 1/19/23 I will post the chapter of them getting out then on Friday 1/20/23 I will give the update on my sequel in my update section on my profile and on this story.

Love you to the Cave and back ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang