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Wednesday > 6:45 am

i haven't had much sleep, because my head was hurting all night long. as i was close too falling asleep i heard jungwon's alarm clock. my head's throbbing again.

i noticed jungwon standing up right away and going to the bathroom to shower. i also stood up to get my uniform out of my bag. and my headache stopped finally.


time skip > 7:45 am

me and the boys were eating breakfast and talking rn, till i heard my phone ringing. it was haneul? i thought she was on a trip. i excused myself to the living room and then picked up the call.

,,haneul why are you calling? i thought you're on that trip until friday?", i asked, confused.

,,yeah i was supposed to, but it was horrible there so i came home early. i wanted to tell you personally and go to school with you, so i went to your house, but you weren't there. where are you?", she wanted to know.

,,long story short, i got kicked out of my house, jungwon found me at the park and took me to his dorm. i slept here with him and the other boys. i'll tell you more at school cuz they're waiting for me now. see you there hanni !", i spoke and hung up. we then went to school.

time skip > lunch

,,WHAT", haneul screamed in shock. i immediately slapped her arm thanks to her being too loud.

,,yeah we're all really good friends now. i wanted to introduce you to them too.", i told my best friend everything that happened yesterday.

right as i answered her, i saw 7 guys come our way. they sat at haneul and my table and sunoo rapidly started talking.

,,hey minjeong ! and hey you must be her best friend right? nice to meet you ! whats your name? my name is sunoo btw and these are my friends ! introduce yourself guys ", he asked. haneul giggled and the other guys just introduced themselves.

jungwon sat next to me and we had eye contact for a long time which soon got interrupted since my headaches came back again. they were so strong, i had to close my eyes and put my head on the table. i thought my head would explode.

,,min are you okay?", jungwon asked concerned. i could feel the worried looks of my friends.

,,mhm. just a headache."

,,i'll take you to the school nurse. we'll be back soon guys !", he told them. he put his arm under my armpit so i could walk. i started to feel worse and almost fell, but jungwon hold me and told me to get on his back. i saw the jealous looks of the students, but i didn't gaf.

after we arrived at the school nurse, she got me water and told me to take these pills for my headache. ,,you know, having a strong headache can also mean that you're near your soulmate", she revealed but i didn't believe her at first. maybe its just a simple headache from the stress i went through recently. the nurse then told me to rest and left me alone with jungwon.

,,hey won, i really appreciate you for being here and bringing me here, but you should go to class or you won't know what we did.", i stated.

,,i told sunoo to take notes for both of us since you won't know too, so don't worry. i'll stay with you. please try to sleep and rest now. i know you didn't sleep much last night.", jungwon answered.

i nodded and smiled at him, before i finally closed my eyes and fell asleep. he did too.

soulmates Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang