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saturday > 10:47 am

today i got woken up by sunoo telling me to come and eat breakfast.

,,are we going to the restaurant today?", jay asked.

,,if everyone is free today?", i asked. everyone said yes so we discussed about where we could go and when.

,,by the way what was that yesterday with you and jungwon?", jays girlfriend yoona asked me.

,,what do you mean?", i replied confused.

,,i went to get a drink yesterday night and then saw you guys laying on the floor with jungwon being on top of you and you guys looked like you were going to kiss"

,,WHAT", sunoo and haneul screamed at the same time while me and jungwon we're looking at her with our jaws open.

,,it was nothing don't worry we just played around", he responded. i got hurt a little by that but i didn't think much about it.
jay, sunghoon, riki, jake and heeseung & their gfs were just enjoying the drama while eating their breakfast😭

,,could i maybe bring a friend of mine?", heeseungs girlfriend suddenly asked. we all said of course and then went to play games in the living room.

time skip > 5:10

it's 5pm rn and we're getting ready to go to the restaurant. i did my makeup naturally and then got dressed (you can imagine any outfit u want). when i went into the living room everyone was waiting there already.

,,who wants to ride with me and minjeong?", jungwon asked since we're splitting into three cars. haneul, sunoo and riki wanted to drive with us so we just nodded and made our way to his car. also he looked so freaking handsome😭 he noticed that i was looking at him the whole time we were driving because i was sitting next to him so he said:

,,am i really that handsome you can't take your eyes off of me? also, you're really pretty today."

,,oh shut it you know you're good looking. and i'm only pretty today? am i not pretty every other day?", i joked of course but he thought i was being serious so he tried talking himself out of it😭.

,,i was just joking relax. thank you for the compliment won", i thanked him.

,,guys we're also here did you forget", riki suddenly called from behind. we apologised for making them third wheeling and laughed. the rest of the ride we listened to music and sang along.


we arrived at the restaurant and went to our seats. after we started talking someone suddenly came to our table and introduced themselves. when we realised who it was we were speechless.

,,wonyoung what are you doing here?", jungwon asked.

,,karina told me to come. i didn't know that minjeong was also going to be here.", she replied and looked at me with a disgusted face.

,,then go?", i responded.

,,no thank you. you can go if you want to. i'll get me my man back again", wonyoung said and i started getting so mad jungwon had to take my hand to calm me down.

,,wonyoung you're not getting anyone back. i'm not your man and i never was. what did i tell you when we drove home from the school trip?", so that's why they were sitting together!

,,guys stop it. wonyoung you can sit with us but please don't bother", heeseung interrupted. heeseungs girlfriend karina looked at us with an apologetic look but i told her that it's okay.

wonyoung sat next to jungwon as expected. she also started clinging to him which made me really mad now.

,,wonyoung can you please stop clinging to jungwon. he clearly looks uncomfortable can't you see?", i spoke annoyed. she stopped which calmed me down a little.


we were still talking about random stuff and wonyoung didn't talk that much which was very relieving. i was struggling very much with my food tho since lasagna is one of my biggest fear foods. jungwon noticed me struggling so he asked me if he should fed me?

,,jungwon i'm not a baby.", i said.

,,but you're my baby", i couldn't even say anything because he did that airplane thing and i opened my mouth of course. we giggled while he was helping me eating and wonyoung looked so jealous but i really didn't care a single bit. me and jungwon were still laughing at each other so we didn't notice the others take pictures of us.

,,they're so cute." - haneul.

,,how long do you guys think will it take till they finally get together?", jake questioned.

,,i honestly don't think it will take that long. like look at them. they can't live without each other." - sunoo.

,,yeah they're soulmates of course they can't." - heeseung.

soon after wonyoung went to the bathroom and didn't come back, but i couldn't care less.

i suddenly felt my tummy hurting and something flooding on my underwear.

,,shit", i mouthed quietly but not quiet enough because jungwon heard it.

,,what's wrong minjeong?", he asked concerned.

,,i think i started my period.", i uttered quite embarrassed.

,,i will get us out of here okay?", he responded.

,,guys minjeong and i forgot to do something so we'll get going now. don't do shit!", he warned. everyone nodded and started minding their own business again.
jungwon wrapped his jacket around my waist and then took my hand to get me to the car quickly.

,,do you need anything? we can go to the convenient store and grab something"

,,i just need pads and pills."

we got my things and then went home fast. the rest of the night we were watching youtube videos in our room and talked about our favourite childhood shows.

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