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thursday 5:30 pm

i was studying for my final exams that are coming up until i heard the door opening. i stand up to see who it is and see jungwon at the door.

,,minjeong we need to talk."


jungwons pov > 4:30 pm

- italic = jungwon's thoughts -

i was sitting on the couch at my mother's house taking a break from studying, when i started having chest pain. i've been experiencing them for the past few days and decided to go see the doctor.

,,since when do you have these pains?", the doctor asked.

,,the past 2 to 3 days"

,,have you found your soulmate? if you're away from them for 3 days or more, your heart freezes and that causes you to experience chest pain. also, it can end deadly if you haven't seen your soulmate for more than a week."

,,i don't know who they are yet. but how do i find out who my soulmate is?"

,,if you kiss them, you two have bonded. your heart warms up every time you two kiss. you'll sense a weird noise and headaches whenever you're around them. this goes away after you found each other don't worry. and also, if you kiss them for the second time, you'll start hearing a song while kissing. that the song dedicated to you and your soulmate."

he prescribed me pills for my chest pain and i started thinking about his words.

,,if you kiss them, you two have bonded. your heart warms up every time you two kiss. you'll sense a weird noise and headaches whenever you're around them.", that's literally how i feel when i'm with her. she's also the only person i have kissed?

,,if you're away from them for 3 days or more, your heart freezes and that causes you to experience chest pain.", i haven't seen her for 3 days. could she be my soulmate?


,,what the actual fuck."

,,hey don't be mean we could be soulmates. don't you want to be my soulmate?"


jungwon was telling me about the story with his chest pain right now and i couldn't believe what he was saying. him and i could really be soulmates?

,,are you serious?"

,,well, kinda? you don't even know if we really are soulmates."

,,wanna find out?"


,,if we kiss for the second time, we're gonna feel our heart warming up again and hear the song that's dedicated to us.", and with that he pulled me closer to him on the couch we were sitting on rn and put his soft and smooth lips on mine, again. it was a very passionate kiss & as soon as i closed my eyes and started kissing back i heard ,,here with me" by d4vd playing. was that the song he meant? it was such a beautiful moment sitting there with me almost sitting on jungwons lap and us kissing while one of my favorite songs was playing. and not to forget, my heart warming up and feeling millions of butterflies in my stomach. i really do like him and being with him. after a few minutes he pulled away.

,,do you believe me now?", we were both blushing.

,,yeah. but you know, its not that i don't like you or something. its just, i'm really scared of getting to know someone and having a relationship. everyone left me and i had to take care of myself alone, which caused me to have trust issues. that's also why i didn't want to find my soulmate. but now i did. i'm sorry if you're disappointed."

,,why would i be disappointed? i really like you and i'll wait for you min. i'll make sure that no one ever hurts you again. we should take it slow okay?"

,,thank you won. i really trust you a lot", we hugged for a few minutes until he said he needs to go since they should be studying.

,,nooooo can't you stay with me?", i groaned.

,,but we need to study love."

,,we should take a break won. and i don't want to be alone anymore so stay here for a while, please?", i looked at him with a sad face. he eventually gave up and sat next to me.

,,what do you want to do min? wanna watch hello kitty and eat something?", he questioned. he knows how much i love hello kitty.

,,yes!!", i replied happily. whenever i'm with him i don't even think about my eating problems. he makes me forget about all my worries and i'm so grateful for that.


the movie was now finished and i felt someone hugging me & snoring quietly. it was jungwon obviously. and oh my he looks so cute. its only 9:00 pm and he's sleeping already. he must've been very tired from all the studying :( i turned off the TV and hugged him back while also falling asleep.

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