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as soon as we arrived our teacher said no boys and girls in one tent, so me and haneul got in one. we were unpacking our stuff and when we finished i got out to get some fresh air just to see wonyoung and jungwon talking and laughing together? since when are they that close.

i didn't think much of it but i did feel a bit jealous. i sat in front of our tent until jungwon saw me and came towards me with her.

,,hey minjeong! wonyoung and i got paired up to help the teachers bring wood for the campfire. do you want to help us?" i didn't want to sound mean so i just agreed. as we were searching for wood jungwon and wonyoung didn't stop laughing. i felt like a third wheel until i got a message from haneul saying she wants to tell me something. i felt relieved.

,,i'm sorry to interrupt but i need to leave. haneul wants to tell me something." they nodded and started talking again.


,,so what did you want to tell me?"

,,nothing. i saw you third wheeling and wanted to help you.", she answered.

,,yeah thank you. they made me feel so left out like i couldn't even get to know wonyoung since she couldn't stop talking to jungwon."

,,he's such an asshole for that tho. always spending time with you but when a new girl comes he's suddenly not even laying an eye on you.", i just nodded sadly and haneul hugged me after that. we then went eating where they were talking nonstop again. the boys gave me sad looks since they saw how tired i was of them. i didn't pay much attention to jungwon and wonyoung tho and went to sleep after.



its evening rn and we were playing games the whole day long. jungwon and wonyoung were paired up as expected. i even talked to the others and they also didn't know who she is and why they're so unexpectedly close. he sometimes tried talking to me but i ignored him and walked away.

the teachers went to sleep but some students stayed awake so we were playing truth or dare in jake and sunghoon's tent right now. wonyoung sat next to jungwon and he looked a bit annoyed. as he should. she's following him everywhere i would've also been annoyed after some time.

it was wonyoung's turn asking and she took jungwon.

,,jungwon truth or dare?"


,,i dare you to kiss the girl you find the most attractive.", my heart sank. wonyoung smiled and made herself ready to get a kiss.

,,what if i don't want to kiss someone?"

,,you have too. you chose dare.", wonyoung tried to convince him and he stood up? wonyoung was perplexed because she thought he thinks she's the most attractive. yeah of course. but wait who's he going to kiss then?

he sat in front of me and haneul started screaming. when she was finished jungwon started talking.

,,may i?" i couldn't realise what was happening so i just nodded.

he leaned in and i felt his soft and smooth lips on mine. he's a good kisser i must say. i felt my heart warm up as he was kissing me. he put his hand on my cheek and i put mine on his nape to depthen the kiss. after one minute he pulled away and we were both a blushing mess.

wonyoung was giving me a side eye. she looked like i stole her man. he was mine first so, deserved.

after a few turns it was mine.

,,truth or dare minjeong?", haneul asked me.


,,play 7 minutes in heaven with jungwon.", i gave her a shocked look.

,,what are you waiting for? go in our tent we'll call you.", and with that i took jungwons hand and took him to our tent.

we were sitting in silence until he decided to break the silence.

,,why are you avoiding me since yesterday min?", he asked confused.

,,the question is why are you making me feel left out the entire time i'm with you?"

,,what do you mean?"

,,what do you mean what do i mean? isn't it obvious that you're always with wonyoung? she's always following you like your little pet."

,,ah so you're jealous? i see. wonyoung is a old friend of mine. we haven't seen eachother for a long time so i wanted to spend time with her. i didn't know that she'd take me away from you."

,,how could you not notice how i was third wheeling? also yes i'm jealous whats the problem."

,,aw kiyowooo", he said in a cute aggressive tone.

,,i'm sorry i really am. i didn't know that you felt left out. i'll tell her i don't like her. also, you're a good kisser, by the way.", he added and i started blushing again. can he stop making my heart beat so fast. i pulled him into a hug and we stayed like this until haneul called us because 7 minutes were over. we were both smiling so she knew we made up. her plan worked.

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